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Conceptual Questions (CQs): Writing Conceptual Questions
Several ways to develop conceptual questions are listed below. Follow the links for definitions of the methods and examples of each method for writing conceptual questions.

Methods for Writing Conceptual Questions

Modify a Recall Question
Modify a question that simply requires recall of information so it asks the student to translate the concept behind the information to another format, to interpret the information, or to extrapolate the information to a new setting.


Modify a Calculation Question
Modify an algorithmic calculation so it requires a student to give a qualitative answer; for example, a list of increasing or decreasing properties or "higher", "lower", or "no change".


Require Qualitative Answer
Modify a recall question or an algorithmic calculation so it requires a student to give a qualitative answer; for example, a list of increasing or decreasing properties or "higher", "lower", or "no change". Then ask for a reason.


Reverse Calculation Question
Reverse an algorithmic calculation by giving the answer and asking for an extrapolation from the answer.


Extra Data
Include extra data in a problem or present a problem with the data in an unexpected format.


Identify a common misconception and generate a question based on it.

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