BCCE 2014 Call for Symposia and Workshops

The Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) is a national meeting sponsored by the Division of Chemical Education (DivCHED) of the American Chemical Society (ACS). It is designed for those who teach chemistry at all levels: secondary school science teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, and post-secondary chemistry faculty. The Conference provides anyone teaching chemistry opportunities for interacting with like-minded colleagues in both formal and informal settings. Teachers who are about to launch their careers, those who are new to teaching chemistry, and those who have teaching experience will find this conference to be an excellent source of materials, techniques, and chemistry content. The BCCE helps teachers make connections with others equally committed to teaching chemistry. The Department of Chemistry at Grand Valley State is proud to host the 23rd BCCE, Greener on the Grand: Empowering Chemical Educators for a Greener Tomorrow, August 3–7, 2014. Sherril Soman is the general chair of the conference.

Call for Symposia and Workshops

Proposals for symposia and workshops will be accepted through the 23rd BCCE website beginning June 3, 2013 for Workshops and August 1, 2013 for Symposia.

Proposals for half- and full-day laboratory-based workshops, computer/technology application workshops, and educational workshops are being requested. Guidelines for workshop proposals will be available on the 23rd BCCE website. Questions about workshops can be directed to Stephanie Schaertel, workshop chair through the BCCE website.

Julie Henderleiter, program chair, is inviting symposia proposals that fit into tracks of:
Integrating online lectures, Laboratory instruction and design, Chemical Education Research, Advances in Pedagogy, Computers and Technology in Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Chemical Informatics, Global Chemistry Education, Chemistry for the Public, Discipline Specific Symposia, and any other topics you wish to propose. Symposia proposals are also being accepted for specific programs: Two-Year College Chemistry Departments (program chair Tom Neils) and Secondary Education (program chair Alice Putti).

Visit and bookmark the 23rd BCCE website for specific information about the conference. This site will be continuously updated with information pertaining to the technical program, registration, housing, and social events as we approach August 2014. Any questions, program ideas, or general suggestions for any of the BCCE program chairs can be sent to the BCCE email address, bcce2014@gvsu.edu.