
Chemical Education Xchange welcomes chemistry educators as well as others working in the discipline to submit ideas, articles, activities, laboratories, and other pertinent resources for publication. The list below only scratches the surface of possibilities for your contribution.

  • Next Generation Science Standards
  • STEM education
  • Science Practices
  • Modern & Relevant Applications
  • Summative & Formative Assessment
  • AP Chemistry
  • Technology Use
  • Teaching Strategies
  • Teaching to Diverse Communities 

Only registered users of Chemical Education Xchange may contribute. All contributions are subject to review. If the content has been previously published (or recently submitted elsewhere) in any form, an explanation and citation must be included for consideration. Contributions in the form of blogs, events, articles, laboratories, activities, assessment questions, and demonstrations are welcome.

To contribute to ChemEd X, follow the three-step process below.  

  1. Sign in or register for a new account.
  2. Read the Contribution Guidelines and consult our Manuscript Template (a Word version to edit).
  3. Submit your contribution using the contribute form.
  4. Still need advice? Contact us. We are here to guide you in completing your manuscript and preparing it for possible publication.