AP Chemistry Exam Reflections 2020
These are a few reflections from an AP Chemistry Exam reader after reading the 2020 online AP Chemistry Exam.
These are a few reflections from an AP Chemistry Exam reader after reading the 2020 online AP Chemistry Exam.
The APsolute RecAP’s philosophy is to maximize students’ understanding and minimize their need for memorization. The episodes follow the updated CED and each episode is under 10 minutes in length, so students are able to squeeze in a quick, effective review session even if they don’t have a ton of time to do so.
The mission of APTeach is to create a collaborative community where teachers can share ideas about student miconceptions, pedagogy, improving student understanding, and implementing best practices for teaching chemistry.
Particulate diagrams are all the rage in chemical education. Learn simple tricks to create your own!
In this article, the author describes how he uses student misconceptions that are mentioned in the Chief Reader Report as a guide to help him design and write multiple-choice items for AP Chemistry.
The ability to anticipate the errors that students tend to make should serve as a guiding principle when designing assessment items. In addition, a well-written question can uncover student misconceptions.
The first unit in my sequence for AP Chemistry covers stoichiometry and reactions. The new AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description has identified Learning Objectives which need to be taught and practiced to ensure students perform well on the AP Chemistry Exam. I will identify and describe activities I use to teach students some of the Learning Objectives that I tie into this unit.
The new AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description (CED) has been released and in effect for a few months now. Several teachers have asked me “Will you be changing your sequence to match the CED?”.
It is back-to-school time! I started school on September 3rd so I am just getting back into my school “groove.” On August 1st, College Board released its new AP Classroom platform (myap.collegeboard.org). While exploring this new online resource, I couldn’t help but reflect on how I teach AP Chemistry and what changes I will make in light of AP Classroom to ensure this year will be a great one!
A book review project takes shape with the help of ChemTwitter community.