Social Justice Science Issues and NGSS

How can chemistry address real-world issues? Explore how teaching Social Justice Science Issues helps students connect chemistry to their local communities. By integrating student community-centered storylines, teachers can engage students in critical thinking about chemistry topics and how they apply to their everyday lives. 


Are you looking for a new podcast to enjoy on your way to or from work? NGS Navigators is a podcast that offers quality professional development to support teachers with NGSS content and strategies.

Intrinsic Motivation for the Chemistry Teacher – Time to Collaborate!

After attending ChemEd at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois, this past summer and meeting such wonderful chemistry teachers from across the country, I began to think about motivation and how important it is in our field to find those intrinsic motivators. With the Next Generation of Science Standards (NGSS) taking hold in most states across the country, I call upon chemistry teachers to collaborate and I challenge you to find what intrinsically motivates you as a chemistry teacher.