March Madness Element Bracket
In this enrichment activity, students research elements to prove that their element is the most lethal of all in the March Madness Element Bracket.
In this enrichment activity, students research elements to prove that their element is the most lethal of all in the March Madness Element Bracket.
Use coding for a new twist on a classic element project. See how easy coding can be and consider the applications of coding in your own classroom.
Javalab is a resource for free simulations to support student understanding of chemistry concepts. These web based simulations can be used across different platforms and are simple in their use by students. The open ended aspect of the simulations allow for teachers to be creative in how they are used in class.
Chem Cards is a game including 118 cards, one for each element. It is designed to familiarize students of all ages with chemical terminology so they grow comfortable with the topic and equate it to an exciting, team building experience.
Some metals and metal alloys undergo a transition to brittleness at cold temperature. This phenomenon likely contributed to the demise of the Titanic.
Various types of puzzles are widely used in STEM learning activities due to their ability to familiarize students with given content using a strategic approach. In this novel puzzle, there are two steps to complete the exercise. The first step involves the participant identifying periodic table element abbreviations within a specific word. The second step involves fitting the corresponding element names into a blank crossword format. The students become familiar with the elements and their abbreviations, as well as their location on the periodic table.
Beautiful, metallic mirrors of copper or silver can easily be formed in test tubes. Simply add the appropriate metal salt to a test tube, and heat! These reactions should be performed in a fume hood.
Learn how to form a blue-green copper compound on a penny, and then use that compound to make green flames. This is a great summer time activity for your next campfire!
In honor of the International Year of the Periodic Table: A familiarity with the chemistry of some of the elements more commonly encountered in everyday life is a valuable learning experience for all students. Iron is the last element in this series of elements to be discussed as part of the Element of the Month program. #IYPT
In honor of the International Year of the Periodic Table: A familiarity with the chemistry of some of the elements more commonly encountered in everyday life is a valuable learning experience for all students. Phosphorus is the eighth in this series of elements to be discussed as part of the Element of the Month program. #IYPT