JCE Digital Library

JCE Pick - Linked Formative Assessment

I used to be big into concept maps as an additional way for my students to show understanding besides a quiz or test. In fact, so much so, that my students a few years ago had to make a concept map as a mandatory test review. I’ve shied away from that over the past few years in a new school (why? I’m actually not so sure) - probably because I got too much information from my students about their level of understanding. I’m sure if I conducted a rigorous method of assessment, there would be a correlation between how well students could connect ideas and assessment scores.

JCE Digital Library Catalog

JCE Digital Library provided a searchable catalog of the items it contained. Discontinued. No longer available at ChemEd X.

JCE Web-based Learning Aids (WebWare)

Collection of web-based chemistry learning aids. Content of collection has migrated to the Journal of Chemical Education. No longer available at JCE ChemEd X.

JCE Symbolic Mathematics in Chemistry (SymMath)

JCE SymMath is a collection of Mathcad®, Mathematica®, Maple®, and MATLAB® documents designed to help students learn mathematically intensive aspects of chemistry. The content of this collection has migrated to the Journal of Chemical Education. No Longer available at ChemEd X.

JCE Resources for Student Assessment (QBank)

Collections of questions and tools for assessment. Sample questions are available at the ChemEd Courses service of the ChemEd DL. Sets of questions with answers, some suitable for import into third-party learning management systems are available at ChemEd X to teachers only.

JCE Living Textbooks for Chemistry (LivTexts)

JCE Living Textbooks for Chemistry was a collection of online, dynamic textbooks containing two titles. The content of these two titles is available elsewhere. Discontinued. No longer available at ChemEd X.

JCE Featured Molecules

Collection of interactive molecular structures from articles in the Journal of Chemical Education. Content migrated to supplemental info of the corresponding Journal of Chemical Education articles. Discontinued. No longer avaiable at ChemEd X.

JCE Data-Driven Exercises

Collection of ‘data-driven’ chemistry exercises. Collection can be found elsewhere. Not available at ChemEd X.