Spreadsheets, Instant Grading and Feedback during Lab
Here is a great way to use spreadsheets to both collect student data and provide instant feedback during labs with quantitative data.
Here is a great way to use spreadsheets to both collect student data and provide instant feedback during labs with quantitative data.
Providing students with meaningful feedback greatly enhances their learning and achievement. With the move to online and hybrid formats, teachers have had to scramble to modify their usual process for communicating that feedback. On January 21, 2021, Ariel Serkin presented in a ChemEd X Talk about the process she is using and how she is providing feedback to her students remotely. You can watch the edited recording of Ariel's Talk and access the document she shared during the presentation here.
Providing students with meaningful feedback greatly enhances their learning and achievement. With the move to online and hybrid formats, teachers have had to scramble to modify their usual process for communicating that feedback. On January 21, 2021, Ariel Serkin presented in a ChemEd X Talk about the process she is using and how she is providing feedback to her students remotely. You can watch the edited recording here.
Teacher burnout - it is real. How can teacher's adopt more sustainable grading practices to improve their work-life balance?