Can Alkaline Water Change Body pH?
Can Alkaline Water Change the pH of your body? We use chemistry to put this claim to the test!
Can Alkaline Water Change the pH of your body? We use chemistry to put this claim to the test!
The author explains how she assigns roles for her students while completing laboratory work. The lab activity is designed to allow students to explore the use of indicators. It serves as an introduction to acids, bases and pH.
Did you figure out how the experiment in Chemical Mystery #14 was performed? The solution is presented here!
Erica Jacobsen shares highlights from the February 2019 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education.
Students will be engaged in this activity that will help them make the connection between food and chemistry. Acid, bases and pH are addressed.
Back to school time means back to lab time too. Students new to chemistry have a lot on their plates the first few labs—learning unfamiliar safety procedures, becoming accustomed to writing lab reports, even figuring out which glassware they’re looking for in their lab space. How can teachers help them to navigate this newness? Two articles in the July 2016 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education are useful resources for “back to lab” time.