The MOSART tests are designed to measure understanding of science concepts. The name, MOSART, stands for:

Misconceptions-Oriented Standards-based Assessment Resources for Teachers


The MOSART tests may be used to measure changes in understanding of scientific concepts by teachers or students when administered before and after lessons or professional development. The tests are comprised of multiple-choice items that are linked to National Science Education Standards. They are based upon documented misconceptions concerning science concepts. The tests were developed by a team of researchers in the Science Education Department of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

The web site was designed to make the assessments freely available to those involved in science education. In order to download the tests, the educator must complete four online tutorials that explain the test design, how to use the tests, scoring of the tests and how to interpret the results.

As educators, many of us see a resource that requires us to process a registration, or in this case, complete tutorials, and we avoid the expense of our time. I encourage you to take the time, especially for this site if you are looking for help measuring conceptual understanding of chemistry content. I found the tutorials to be informative and useful. I will be administering a pre-test soon to help me fine tune my curriculum for the remainder of the year and I plan to give a post-test to evaluate our progress.  The site contains videos that support the tutorials.


Publication information
Pick Attribution: 

Project MOSART was funded by the National Science Foundation primarily to provide no-cost assessment support to NSF-funded Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) Institutes via test instruments for administration to teacher participants and to their students. Work began in 2004 with the original MOSART award and continues with MOSART II.

Publication Date: 
Monday, October 28, 2013