Boiling by Cooling - Demonstration

Water in a sealed flask is made to boil below its normal boiling point by cooling the water vapor in the flask.

A flask contains water and water vapor at 100oC. Each time ice water is poured over the outside of the flask, the water inside the flask boils. Although the temperature of the water in the flask has decreased, in each instance boiling is observed.

  • Design and Demonstration
    • Gerald Zweerink Missouri Western State College, Saint Joseph, MO 64507
  • Video Production
    • Jerrold J. Jacobsen University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI 53706
  • Text
    • Gerald Zweerink Missouri Western State College, Saint Joseph, MO 64507
    • Nancy S. Gettys University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI 53706
    • David Phillips Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN 47933