Celebrating 90 Years as the Premier Chemical Education Journal
The January 2013 issue marks the start of the 90th volume of the Journal of Chemical Education. This latest issue plus the content of all past volumes, 1 through 89, are available at http://pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc(link is external).
January 2013 will be available as a sample issue for the entire year, so the full text of all articles can be accessed without a subscription(link is external).
Cover: JCE Chemical Education Xchange Web site—ChemEd X(link is external)
The cover images —the electrolysis of a silver nitrate solution to produce silver at the cathode—are from one of the many videos(link is external) now available at the JCE Chemical Education Xchange Web site (ChemEd X(link is external)). ChemEd X aims to foster sharing of digital resources, information, and ideas among chemical educators. Details about the Journal’s new partner Web site are described by Jon L. Holmes in JCE Chemical Education Xchange(link is external). In JCE Chemical Education Xchange: X Marks the Spot for Finding Quality Chemistry Education Resources(link is external), Deanna M. Cullen encourages educators to use resources at ChemEd X and invites them to contribute materials.
Zafra Lerman discusses Human Rights, Education, and Peace: A Personal Odyssey(link is external) in a commentary that was adapted from her award address for the 2010 George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education.
A number of articles in the issue focus on different aspects of teaching about orbitals:
Construction of Ligand Group Orbitals for Polyatomics and Transition-Metal Complexes Using an Intuitive Symmetry-Based Approach(link is external) by Adam R. Johnson.
Teaching the Jahn–Teller Theorem: A Simple Exercise That Illustrates How the Magnitude of Distortion Depends on the Number of Electrons and Their Occupation of the Degenerate Energy Level(link is external) by Adam Johannes Johansson.
Teaching the Spin Selection Rule: An Inductive Approach(link is external) by Judith A. Halstead.
Technology Reports
Interactive Web-Based Pointillist Visualization of Hydrogenic Orbitals Using Jmol(link is external) by Shane P. Tully, Thomas M. Stitt, Robert D. Caldwell, Brian J. Hardock, Robert M. Hanson, and Przemyslaw Maslak.
A Simple Hückel Molecular Orbital Plotter(link is external) by Raghunathan Ramakrishnan.
Research on Inquiry in the Laboratory
A pair of chemical education research articles examine inquiry in chemistry laboratories:
Effect of the Level of Inquiry of Lab Experiments on General Chemistry Students’ Written Reflections(link is external) by Haozhi Xu and Vicente Talanquer.
Effect of the Level of Inquiry on Student Interactions in Chemistry Laboratories(link is external) by Haozhi Xu and Vicente Talanquer.
Comprehensive Demonstration
This demonstration includes aspects of most of the topics discussed in a typical general chemistry course: A Comprehensive General Chemistry Demonstration(link is external) by Ryan D. Sweeder and Kathleen A. Jeffery.
In the Laboratory
There are many innovate laboratories in this issue, including: Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation Using a Copper(I)/TEMPO Catalyst System: A Green, Catalytic Oxidation Reaction for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory(link is external) by Nicholas J. Hill, Jessica M. Hoover, and Shannon S. Stahl
In the News
The destructive potential of one of nature’s most destructive forces, the hurricane, is compared to one of human’s most destructive devices, an atomic bomb: Hurricane Ike versus an Atomic Bomb(link is external) by Earl F. Pearson.
You will find the articles mentioned above, and many more, in the Journal of Chemical Education(link is external). Articles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable(link is external)) are also available.