Teaching Chemistry in the 21st Century
The March 2013 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online [http://pubs.acs.org/toc/jceda8/90/3]. This latest issue of JCE plus the content of all past issues, volumes 1 through 90, are available at http://pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc.
In Synthesis and Small Molecule Exchange Studies of a Magnesium Bisformate Metal–Organic Framework: An Experiment in Host–Guest Chemistry for the Undergraduate Laboratory, Jeffrey A. Rood and Kenneth W. Henderson describe experiments that introduce students to solid-state synthesis, host–guest chemistry, and size exclusion in porous metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). Students synthesize the porous MOF, α-Mg3(O2CH)6 (shown on the cover), and, using 1H NMR spectroscopy, examine its ability to take up a variety of small organic molecules into its pores.
Technology & Teaching Chemistry in the 21st Century
Norbert Pienta, Editor-in-Chief of JCE, discusses online versions of lecture courses in chemistry in his editorial, Online Courses in Chemistry: Salvation or Downfall?.
Additional content on technology & teaching chemistry in the issue includes:
How Will Classroom Response Systems “Cross the Chasm”? by James MacArthur
Chemical Education Research
Use of RateMyProfessors.com Data as a Supplemental Tool for the Assessment of General Chemistry Instruction by Adam Bergin, Kevan Sharp, Todd A. Gatlin, Adrian Villalta-Cerdas, Austin Gower, and Santiago Sandi-Urena
Web-Enhanced General Chemistry Increases Student Completion Rates, Success, and Satisfaction by Katie E. Amaral, John D. Shank, Ivan A. Shibley, Jr., and Lisa R. Shibley
Development and Implementation of a First-Semester Hybrid Organic Chemistry Course: Yielding Advantages for Educators and Students by Julie B. Ealy
Automatic Web-Based Grading System: Application in an Advanced Instrumental Analysis Chemistry Laboratory by Arsenio Muñoz de la Peña, David González-Gómez, David Muñoz de la Peña, Fabio Gómez-Estern, and Manuel Sánchez Sequedo
Developing and Implementing a Combined Chemistry and Informatics Curriculum for Undergraduate and Graduate Students in the Czech Republic by Jiří Jirát, Petr Čech, Jiří Znamenáček, Miroslav Šimek, Ctibor Škuta, Tomáš Vaněk, Eva Dibuszová, Miloslav Nič, and Daniel Svozil
Chemistry on the Go: Review of Chemistry Apps on Smartphones by Diana Libman and Ling Huang
Technology Report
Lecture Rule No. 1: Cell Phones ON, Please! A Low-Cost Personal Response System for Learning and Teaching by Albert W. M. Lee, Joseph K. Y. Ng, Eva Y. W. Wong, Alfred Tan, April K. Y. Lau, and Stephen F. Y. Lai
Chemical Education Research
What Faculty Interviews Reveal about Meaningful Learning in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory by Stacey Lowery Bretz, Michael Fay, Laura B. Bruck, and Marcy H. Towns
Inquiry-Based Learning
Three articles in this issue highlight that inquiry-based learning applies to a variety of settings and grade level:
Oxidation of Ethidium Using TAML Activators: A Model for High School Research Performed in Partnership with University Scientists by Natalie C. Pueyo, Andrew G. Raub, Sean Jackson, Madalyn M. Metz, Allegra C. Mount, Kyle L. Naughton, Ashley L. Eaton, Nicole M. Thomas, Peter Hastings, John Greaves, Bruce Blumberg, Terrence J. Collins, and Steven G. Sogo
Incorporating Professional Service as a Component of General Chemistry Laboratory by Demonstrating Chemistry to Elementary Students by Rachel A. Morgan Theall and Marcus R. Bond
Implementing a Multidisciplinary Program for Developing Learning, Communication, and Team-Working Skills in Second-Year Undergraduate Chemistry Students by Niamh B. Mc Goldrick, Bartosz Marzec, P. Noelle Scully, and Sylvia M. Draper
Chemistry & the Arts
Opera and Poison: A Secret and Enjoyable Approach To Teaching and Learning Chemistry by João Paulo André
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Scanning probe microscopy resources in this issue include:
The Analog Atomic Force Microscope: Measuring, Modeling, and Graphing for Middle School by Valerie Goss, Sharon Brandt, and Marya Lieberman
Two Simple Classroom Demonstrations for Scanning Probe Microscopy Based on a Macroscopic Analogy by Zdenka Hajkova, Antonin Fejfar, and Petr Smejkal
Using AFM Force Curves To Explore Properties of Elastomers by Megan A. Ferguson and Joseph J. Kozlowski
Touring the Tomato: A Suite of Chemistry Laboratory Experiments by Sayantani Sarkar, Subhasish Chatterjee, Nancy Medina, and Ruth E. Stark
From the Archives: Dyes
JCE has published many articles and activities on dyes & dyeing over its 90 year history. Here’s a sample of articles to help you color your world with chemistry:
Colors to Dye for: Preparation of Natural Dyes by JCE Staff
Cooking Up Colors from Plants, Fabric, and Metal by Jennifer E. Mihalick and Kathleen M. Donnelly
Using Metals To Change the Colors of Natural Dyes by Jennifer E. Mihalick and Kathleen M. Donnelly
A World of Color: Investigating the Chemistry of Vat Dyes by Dianne N. Epp
Bridging the Gap: From Traditional Silk Dyeing Chemistry to a Secondary-School Chemistry Project by Mariette M. Pereira, M. Fátima Paixão, and António F. Cachapuz
Chemistry in the Dyeing of Eggs by Robert C. Mebane and Thomas R. Rybolt
A Global Perspective on the History, Use, and Identification of Synthetic Food Dyes by Vinita Sharma, Harold T. McKone, and Peter G. Markow
But Wait…There’s More!
You will find all of the articles mentioned above, and many more, in the Journal of Chemical Education [http://pubs.acs.org/toc/jceda8/90/3]. Articles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable) are also available.
The January 2013 issue will be available as a sample issue for the entire year; if you like what you read, consider a subscription.
Looking ahead: the April 2013 issue will feature environmental, green, and sustainable chemistry.