JCE 91.06—June 2014 Issue Highlights

Journal of Chemical Education June 2014 Cover

Facilitating the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry

The June 2014 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online to subscribers. The June issue includes articles on using the senses and esters to teach chemistry, developing student-centered activities, introducing the periodic table with puzzles, teaching visual literacy, and exploring thermochromic materials.

Using the Senses and Esters to Teach Chemistry

In the cover article Esterification Reaction Utilizing Sense of Smell and Eyesight for Conversion and Catalyst Recovery Monitoring, Nikki Janssens, Lik H. Wee, and Johan A. Martens describe a simple reaction for demonstrating the use of a homogeneous catalyst in an esterification reaction and observing the catalytic process by two human senses, sight and smell.

Qing Ji, Nadia S. El-Hamdi, and Ognjen Š. Miljanić also use esters in clever combinations to make scent transmutations in order to teach the concepts of chemical equilibrium, distillation, transesterification, dynamic combinatorial chemistry, and the industrially relevant process of reactive distillation


In “This IS NOT Acceptable”, Norbert Pienta (Editor-in-Chief) discusses the appropriateness of student concerns about testing and assessment and of some of the traditions in large-enrollment courses in chemistry education. Deanna Cullen responded to this editorial in her blog post Making the Grade.

Chemical Education Research

Applying the Multilevel Framework of Discourse Comprehension To Evaluate the Text Characteristics of General Chemistry Textbooks
by Daniel T. Pyburn and Samuel Pazicni

Role of Teacher-Initiated Discourses in Students’ Development of Representational Fluency in Chemistry: A Case Study
by Abdi-Rizak M. Warfa, Gillian H. Roehrig, Jamie L. Schneider, and James Nyachwaya

Examining Evidence for External and Consequential Validity of the First Term General Chemistry Exam from the ACS Examinations Institute
by Scott E. Lewis

Covalent Bond Classification Method

Application of the Covalent Bond Classification Method for the Teaching of Inorganic Chemistry
by Malcolm L. H. Green and Gerard Parkin

Student-Centered Activities

Sticky Ions: A Student-Centered Activity Using Magnetic Models to Explore the Dissolving of Ionic Compounds
by Sheila Ryan and Deborah G. Herrington

Using Computational Chemistry Activities To Promote Learning and Retention in a Secondary School General Chemistry Setting
by Joseph W. Ochterski

Using a Problem Solving-Cooperative Learning Approach To Improve Students’ Skills for Interpreting 1H NMR Spectra of Unknown Compounds in an Organic Spectroscopy Course
by Rihab F. Angawi

Puzzles and Games to Introduce the Periodic Table

An Effective Method of Introducing the Periodic Table as a Crossword Puzzle at the High School Level
by Sushama D. Joag

ChemMend: A Card Game To Introduce and Explore the Periodic Table while Engaging Students’ Interest
by Vicente Martí-Centelles and Jenifer Rubio-Magnieto

Cheminoes: A Didactic Game To Learn Chemical Relationships between Valence, Atomic Number, and Symbol
by Luis F. Moreno, Gina Hincapié, and María Victoria Alzate

Physical Chemistry


Entropy of Mixing of Distinguishable Particles
by Evguenii I. Kozliak

Spontaneity and Equilibrium II: Multireaction Systems
by Lionel M. Raff

Use of JANAF Tables in Equilibrium Calculations and Partition Function Calculations for an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Course
by David A. Cleary

Quantum Mechanics

Using a Spreadsheet To Solve the Schrödinger Equations for the Energies of the Ground Electronic State and the Two Lowest Excited States of H2
by Yingbin Ge, Robert C. Rittenhouse, Jacob C. Buchanan, and Benjamin Livingston

Phase Diagrams

Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagram of Phenol and t-Butanol: An Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Experiment
by Xinhua Xu, Xiaogang Wang, and Meifen Wu

Deconstructing Phase Diagram Calculations
by Pierre Tomasini

Analytical Chemistry in the Laboratory

Determination of Ethanol in Gasoline by FT-IR Spectroscopy
by Alfred Conklin, Jr., Michael J. Goldcamp, and Jacob Barrett

Development of a Handmade Conductivity Measurement Apparatus and Application to Vegetables and Fruits
by Seng Set and Masakazu Kita

Volumetric Titrations Using Electrolytically Generated Reagents for the Determination of Ascorbic Acid and Iron in Dietary Supplement Tablets: An Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment
by Christopher Scanlon, Zewdu Gebeyehu, Kameron Griffin, and Rajeev B. Dabke

A Comprehensive Microfluidics Device Construction and Characterization Module for the Advanced Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Laboratory by Paul A. E. Piunno, Adrian Zetina, Norman Chu, Anthony J. Tavares, M. Omair Noor, Eleonora Petryayeva, Uvaraj Uddayasankar, and Andrew Veglio

Dark Field Microscopy for Analytical Laboratory Courses
by Ashley E. Augspurger, Anthony S. Stender, Kyle Marchuk, Thomas J. Greenbowe, and Ning Fang

Determination of log Kow Values for Four Drugs
by Mark F. Harris and Jennifer L. Logan


Photochemistry of Naphthopyrans and Derivatives: A Computational Experiment for Upper-Level Undergraduates or Graduate Students
by Frédéric Castet, Raphaël Méreau, and Daniel Liotard

Bringing Photochemistry to the Masses: A Simple, Effective, and Inexpensive Photoreactor, Right Out of the Box by Theint Aung and Charles A. Liberko

Visual Literacy

Results of a National Survey of Biochemistry Instructors To Determine the Prevalence and Types of Representations Used during Instruction and Assessment
by Kimberly J. Linenberger and Thomas A. Holme

An Integrated Visualization and Basic Molecular Modeling Laboratory for First-Year Undergraduate Medicinal Chemistry byJoseph M. Hayes

Use of iSpartan in Teaching Organic Spectroscopy
by Andrew G. Karatjas

From the Archives: Exploring Thermochromic Materials

This issue contains two articles that explore thermochromic materials:

Microwave Mapping Demonstration Using the Thermochromic Cobalt Chloride Equilibrium
by Vu D. Nguyen and Kurt R. Birdwhistell

Exploration of Thermochromic Materials Using Experimental and Theoretical Infrared and UV–Visible Spectroscopy
by Kelsey Costello, Kevin Thinh Doan, Kari Lynn Organtini, John Wilson, Morgan Boyer, Greglynn Gibbs, and Lorena Tribe.

The thermochromism of cobalt chloride can be further studied using a CD-ROM Spectroscope: A Simple and Inexpensive Tool for Classroom Demonstrations on Chemical Spectroscopy as described by Fumitaka Wakabayashi, Kiyohito Hamada, and Kozo Sone.

Other articles exploring thermochromic commercial materials in past issues include:

Demonstration of Thermodynamics and Kinetics Using FriXion Erasable Pens
by Dean J. Campbell, Wayne B. Bosma, Stephen J. Bannon, Molly M. Gunter, and Margaret K. Hammar

Intelligent Thermochromic Windows
by Ivan P. Parkin and Troy D. Manning

Thermochromism in Commercial Products by Mary Anne White and Monique LeBlanc

With over 1000 Issues of JCE Available, There’s Always More to Explore


You will find all of the articles mentioned above, and many more, in the Journal of Chemical Education. Articles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable) are also available.

The January 2014 issue will be available as a sample issue for the entire year. If you like what you read, subscribe! If you have something to share, write it up!