JCE 92.10 October 2015 Issue Highlights

Journal of Chemical Education October 2015 Cover

Celebrating National Chemistry Week 2015: Chemistry Colors Our World

The October 2015 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online to subscribers. National Chemistry Week, a community-based annual event uniting ACS local sections, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the value of chemistry in our everyday life, is being celebrated October 18–24, 2015 with the theme “Chemistry Colors Our World”. Articles in this issue can help you make the most of this annual celebration. Topics include: activities & demonstrations for public understanding & outreach; using mobile devices as colorimeters in the laboratory; color & light in the laboratory; natural products & medicinal laboratories; nomenclature; engaging teaching approaches; technology in the classroom; molecular modeling; chemical education research: introductory chemistry; from the archive: chemistry colors our world activities.

Cover: Demonstrating with Food Dyes

In Oxone/Fe2+ Degradation of Food Dyes: Demonstration of Catalyst-Like Behavior and Kinetic Separation of Color, Ruth E. Nalliah describes an easily prepared classroom demonstration of the decomposition of the dyes in food coloring mixtures by oxone using iron(II) sulfate as an activator. The cover shows the structures of food color dyes FD&C Blue 1, Red 40, and Yellow 5 as well as rows of beakers displaying a sequential degradation of color. The demonstration provides an opportunity to discuss catalysis, kinetics, and eco-friendly methods for decomposition of pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals, that persist in wastewater. Food coloring is also featured in Variations on the “Blue-Bottle” Demonstration Using Food Items That Contain FD&C Blue #1 by Felicia A. Staiger, Joshua P. Peterson, and Dean J. Campbell .


Thomas S. Kuntzleman advocates in this month’s Editorial for how outreach efforts such as those associated with National Chemistry Week can stimulate and support scholarship in chemistry.

Award Address

Catherine H. Middlecamp was awarded the 2015 ACS National Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students in Careers in the Chemical Sciences and tells a part of her story in her award address, Encouraging Disadvantaged Students in Chemistry: Four-Part Harmony (or Disharmony).

Activities & Demonstrations for Public Understanding & Outreach

Addressing the STEM Gender Gap by Designing and Implementing an Educational Outreach Chemistry Camp for Middle School Girls ~ Mindy Levine, Nicole Serio, Bhasker Radaram, Sauradip Chaudhuri, and William Talbert

Exploring the Everyday Context of Chemical Elements: Discovering the Elements of Car Components ~ Antonio Joaquín Franco-Mariscal

How Heavy Are You? Find the Answer in the Periodic Table ~Klaus Woelk

Improvements to the Whoosh Bottle Rocket Car Demonstration ~ Dean J. Campbell, Felicia A. Staiger, and Chaitanya N. Jujjavarapu

Using Mobile Devices as Colorimeters in the Laboratory

A Fresh Look at the Crystal Violet Lab with Handheld Camera Colorimetry ~ Theodore R. Knutson, Cassandra M. Knutson, Abbie R. Mozzetti, Antonio R. Campos, Christy L. Haynes, and R. Lee Penn

Integrating Mobile Phones into Science Teaching To Help Students Develop a Procedure To Evaluate the Corrosion Rate of Iron in Simulated Seawater ~ Edgar P. Moraes, Mario R. Confessor, and Luiz H. S. Gasparotto

Determining the Amount of Copper(II) Ions in a Solution Using a Smartphone ~ Marc Montangero

Color & Light in the Laboratory

The EChemPen: A Guiding Hand To Learn Electrochemical Surface Modifications ~ Mathieu Valetaud, Gabriel Loget, Jérome Roche, Nina Hüsken, Zahra Fattah, Vasilica Badets, Olivier Fontaine, and Dodzi Zigah

Understanding Electrophoresis through the Investigation of Size, Shape, and Charge of pH Indicators ~ Ryan K. Brenner, Kenneth R. Hess, and Jennifer L. Morford

Assembling and Using an LED-Based Detector To Monitor Absorbance Changes during Acid–Base Titrations ~ Willy G. Santos and Éder T. G. Cavalheiro

Paternò–Büchi Reaction as a Demonstration of Chemical Kinetics and Synthetic Photochemistry Using a Light Emitting Diode Apparatus ~ Matthew P. Thompson, Jonathan Agger, and Lu Shin Wong

A New Approach toward Cyanotype Photography Using Tris-(oxalato)ferrate(III): An Integrated Experiment ~ Pablo Alejandro Fiorito and André Sarto Polo

Learning about Structural and Optical Properties of Organic Compounds through Preparation of Functional Nanomicelles while Avoiding Hazardous Chemicals or Complicated Apparatus ~ Heinz Langhals, Moritz Eberspächer, and Alexander Hofer

Natural Products & Medicinal Laboratories

Green Soap: An Extraction and Saponification of Avocado Oil ~ Susan Sutheimer, Jacqueline M. Caster, and Simone H. Smith

Nature’s Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Studies on the Isolation of (−)-Menthol from Peppermint Oil and Its Conversion to (−)-Menthyl Acetate ~ Maeve Egan, Éilis Margaret Connors, Zeeshan Anwar, and John J. Walsh

Organic Chemistry and the Native Plants of the Sonoran Desert: Conversion of Jojoba Oil to Biodiesel ~ Lisa V. Daconta, Timothy Minger, Valentina Nedelkova, and John N. Zikopoulos

An Interdisciplinary Guided Inquiry Laboratory for First Year Undergraduate Forensic Science Students ~ Sarah L. Cresswell and Wendy A. Loughlin

Hands-On Approach to Structure Activity Relationships: The Synthesis, Testing, and Hansch Analysis of a Series of Acetylcholineesterase Inhibitors ~ Katherine Locock, Hue Tran, Rachel Codd, and Robin Allan


Editors’ Choice ~ What Is a Kilogram in the Revised International System of Units (SI)? ~ Richard S. Davis

Commentary ~ The Mole and Amount of Substance in Chemistry and Education: Beyond Official Definitions ~ Carmen J. Giunta

Chemical Alias: An Engaging Way To Examine Nomenclature ~ Mikhail Kurushkin and Maria Mikhaylenko (Note: a high resolution image of the periodic table mentioned in this article can be found online)

Engaging Teaching Approaches

Approaches To Determining the Oxidation State of Nitrogen and Carbon Atoms in Organic Compounds for High School Students ~ Kamil Jurowski, Małgorzata Krystyna Krzeczkowska, and Anna Jurowska

Investigating Friction as a Main Source of Entropy Generation in the Expansion of Confined Gas in a Piston-and-Cylinder Device ~ Dun-Yen Kang, Kai-Hsin Liou, and Wei-Lun Chang

Technology in the Classroom

Teaching a Chemistry MOOC with a Virtual Laboratory: Lessons Learned from an Introductory Physical Chemistry Course ~ Patrick J O’Malley, Jonathan R Agger, and Michael W Anderson

ChemDuino: Adapting Arduino for Low-Cost Chemical Measurements in Lecture and Laboratory ~ Štěpánka Kubínová and Jan Šlégr

A Blackboard for the 21st Century: An Inexpensive Light Board Projection System for Classroom Use ~ Erik S. Skibinski, William J. I. DeBenedetti, Amnon G. Ortoll-Bloch, and Melissa A. Hines

Molecular Modeling

Fischer and Schrock Carbene Complexes: A Molecular Modeling Exercise ~ Craig D. Montgomery

Improved Syntheses and Expanded Analyses of the Enantiomerically Enriched Chiral Cobalt Complexes Co(en)3I3 and Co(diNOsar)Br3 ~ Michael J. McClellan and Marion E. Cass

Chemical Education Research: Introductory Chemistry

Uncovering Chemical Thinking in Students’ Decision Making: A Fuel-Choice Scenario ~ Gregory Banks, Michael Clinchot, Steven Cullipher, Robert Huie, Jennifer Lambertz, Rebecca Lewis, Courtney Ngai, Hannah Sevian, Gabriela Szteinberg, Vicente Talanquer, and Melissa Weinrich

Formative Assessment in High School Chemistry Teaching: Investigating the Alignment of Teachers’ Goals with Their Items ~ Benjamin Sandlin, Jordan Harshman, and Ellen Yezierski

Students’ Understanding of Analogy after a CORE (Chemical Observations, Representations, Experimentation) Learning Cycle, General Chemistry Experiment ~ Shirly Avargil, Mitchell R. M. Bruce, François G. Amar, and Alice E. Bruce

From the Archives: Chemistry Colors Our World Activities

Celebrating National Chemistry Week 2015: Chemistry Colors Our World is easy with JCE classroom activities from past issues on chemistry & color and dyes & pigments.

Chemistry & Color        

Colorful Lather Printing~ Susan A. S. Hershberger, Matt Nance, Arlyne M. Sarquis, Lynn M. Hogue

Color My Nanoworld ~ Adam D. McFarland, Christy L. Haynes, Chad A. Mirkin, Richard P. Van Duyne, Hilary A. Godwin

Out of the Blue ~ Mark E. Noble

Flame Tests: Which Ion Causes the Color? ~ Michael J. Sanger

Demonstrating Various Flame Tests Using Common Household Materials ~ Bruce W. Baldwin, Scott Hasbrouck, Jordan Smith, Thomas S. Kuntzleman

The Secret of Smart Paper ~ Brian McCall, Lynn Diener, J. Aura Gimm

Dyes  & Pigments

The Write Stuff: Using Paper Chromatography to Separate an Ink Mixture ~ Journal of Chemical Education Staff

A Kool Reaction from the Fine Print ~ Susan A. S. Hershberger and Arlyne M. Sarquis

Colors to Dye for: Preparation of Natural Dyes ~ Journal of Chemical Education Staff

Cooking Up Colors from Plants, Fabric, and Metal ~ Jennifer E. Mihalick and Kathleen M. Donnelly

Anthocyanins: A Colorful Class of Compounds ~ Journal of Chemical Education Staff

Artistic Anthocyanins and Acid–Base Chemistry ~ Jenna Lech and Vladimir Dounin

Pigments of Your Imagination: Making Artist's Paints ~ Nancy S. Gettys

JCE Resources Color Our World

With 92 volumes of the Journal of Chemical Education to explore, you will always find something useful—including all of the articles mentioned above, and many more, in the Journal of Chemical Education. Articles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable) are also available.

If you are considering writing an article for JCE, there are numerous author resources available on JCE’s ACS Web site, including Author Guidelines & Document Templates.