JCE 96.07 July 2019 Issue Highlights

Journal of Chemical Education July 2019 Cover

JCE 96.07 July 2019 Issue Highlights

Catalyzing Student Learning

The July 2019 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online(link is external) to subscribers. Topics featured in this issue include: glowmatography; examining secondary chemistry teaching; useful teaching models and tools; making science accessible; teaching kinetics; computer-based learning; explorations using x-rays; polymer chemistry laboratories; using batteries to teach; analytical chemistry; investigating scale literacy skills; printing the archives: cyanotype.

Cover: Glowmatography

Glowmatography is a playful descriptor for the chromatographic separation of chemiluminescent dyes that are actively emitting light. Glowmatographic separations, which can be carried out using easily obtained materials (glow sticks, chalk, and acetone or alcohol), often reveal surprising color combinations of fluorescent dyes. In Simple Glowmatography: Chromatographic Separation of Glow-Stick Dyes Using Chalk(link is external), Thomas S. Kuntzleman, Kasey R. Bunker, and Ashlee A. Bartlett show how these experiments can be used to illuminate chemical topics such as chromatography, intermolecular forces, and the chemistry of glow sticks. The experiment is easy and fast to carry out and can be conducted as an in-class demonstration or performed by students in laboratory or outreach settings.

Additional articles using color to explore and understand chemistry in this issue include:

Chemistry Toy 1: An Approach to Quantify and Improve the Power of Scientific Observation(link is external) ~ Matthew F. Terra and Shaun D. Black

Experimenting with Plasmonic Copper Nanoparticles To Demonstrate Color Changes and Reactivity at the Nanoscale(link is external) ~ Alexey V. Markin and Natalia E. Markina

Visual Quantification of Fe on Cotton Thread Using a Ruler(link is external) ~ Longfei Cai, Xiaolin Zhang, Liquan Luo, Huibin Lin, Jinhua Chen, Chunxiu Xu, Minghua Zhong, and Xiaoning Liao

Examining Secondary Chemistry Teaching 

In this month’s editorial, Terri M. Chambers, Etta C. Gravely, William Hunter, Jennifer B. Nielson, and Ellen J. Yezierski discuss Refuting Myths about Secondary Chemistry Teaching: Getting the Facts Out to Current and Future Educators(link is external).

Additional articles examining effective secondary chemistry teaching in the issue include:

Improving Learning Outcomes in Secondary Chemistry with Visualization-Supported Inquiry Activities(link is external) ~ Mike Stieff (this article is available to non-subscribers as part of ACS’s Editors’ Choice(link is external) program.)

Applying the Next Generation Science Standards to Current Chemistry Classrooms: How Lessons Measure Up and How to Respond(link is external) ~ Natalia M. Kellamis and Ellen J. Yezierski

Adapting a Core-Idea Centered Undergraduate General Chemistry Curriculum for Use in High School(link is external) ~ Ryan L. Stowe, Deborah G. Herrington, Robert L. McKay, and Melanie M. Cooper

The Impact of Core-Idea Centered Instruction on High School Students’ Understanding of Structure–Property Relationships(link is external) ~ Ryan L. Stowe, Deborah G. Herrington, Robert L. McKay, and Melanie M. Cooper

Reconstructing a School Chemistry Curriculum in the Era of Core  Competencies: A Case from China(link is external) ~ Bing Wei

Useful Teaching Models and Tools

Periodic Universe: A Teaching Model for Understanding the Periodic Table of the Elements(link is external) ~ Matthias Bierenstiel and Kathy Snow

A Macroscale Model for Hands-On Activities Demonstrating Transmission Electron Microscopy(link is external) ~ Natalie V. Hudson-Smith, Meghan S. Cahill, Nathan D. Klein, Miriam O.P. Krause, and Christy L. Haynes

Using Infographic Creation as Tool for Science-Communication Assessment and a Means of Connecting Students to Their Departmental Research(link is external) ~ Richard A. R. Blackburn

Jigsaw: Using Cooperative Learning in Teaching Organic Functions(link is external) ~ Brenno R. M. Oliveira, André L. Vailati, Edinara Luiz, Fabrine G. Böll, and Samuel R. Mendes

Student-Driven Development of Greener Chemistry in Undergraduate Teaching: Synthesis of Lidocaine Revisited(link is external) ~ Philip Josephson, Viktor Nykvist, Wafa Qasim, Björn Blomkvist, and Peter Dinér

Making Science Accessible

Making Science Accessible to Students with Visual Impairments: Insulation-Materials Investigation(link is external) ~ Aydin Kizilaslan, Mustafa Sozbilir, and Seraceddin Levent Zorluoglu

Rethinking a Timeless Titration Experimental Setup through Automation and Open-Source Robotic Technology: Making Titration Accessible for Students of All Abilities(link is external) ~ Ronald Soong, Kyle Agmata, Tina Doyle, Amy Jenne, Antonio Adamo, and Andre J. Simpson

Teaching Kinetics

Catalyzing Student Learning: Using Analogies To Teach Enzyme Kinetics(link is external) ~ Jon-Marc G. Rodriguez and Marcy H. Towns

Reaction of FD&C Blue 1 with Sodium Percarbonate: Multiple Kinetics Methods Using an Inexpensive Light Meter(link is external) ~ Ruth E. Nalliah

A 3D-Printable Dual Beam Spectrophotometer with Multiplatform Smartphone Adaptor(link is external) ~ Ryan Bogucki, Mary Greggila, Paul Mallory, Jiansheng Feng, Kelly Siman, Banafsheh Khakipoor, Hunter King, and Adam W. Smith

Computer-Based Learning

Bug Off Pain: An Educational Virtual Reality Game on Spider Venoms and Chronic Pain for Public Engagement(link is external) ~ Lucka Bibic, Justinas Druskis, Samuel Walpole, Jesus Angulo, and Leanne Stokes

Introducing the First Year Laboratory to Undergraduate Chemistry Students with an Interactive 360° Experience(link is external) ~ Tristan D. Clemons, Lise Fouché, Cara Rummey, Ryan E. Lopez, and Dino Spagnoli

Systematic Procedure for Drawing Lewis Structures Based on Electron Pairing Priority and the Explicit Use of Donor Bonds: An Alternative to the Normal Procedure Which Can Be Pen and Paper Based or Automated on a PC in User Interactive 3D(link is external) ~ Patrick McArdle

Explorations Using X-rays

Moseley and X-ray Spectra(link is external) ~ Rafaela T. P. Sant’Anna, Emily V. Monteiro, Romulo O. Pires, Rosa C. D. Peres, and Roberto B. Faria

Inquiry-Based Experiment with Powder XRD and FeS2 Crystal: “Discovering” the (400) Peak(link is external) ~ N. Stojilovic and D. E. Isaacs

An Introduction to Coding with Matlab: Simulation of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy by Employing Slater’s Rules(link is external) ~ Aidan A.E. Fisher

Scrambled Eggs or How Eggshells Become Phosphates(link is external) ~ Diana Potes Vecini, Shirley C. Jofré, Florencia B. Pereyra Ríos, Javier Sartuqui, Paula Messina, M. Belén González, Melisa Saugo, Lorena Meier, Mónica F. Díaz, and Andrés E. Ciolino

Polymer Chemistry Laboratories

Determination of the Crosslinking Density of a Silicone Elastomer(link is external) ~ Julie Schweitzer, Souhila Merad, Gautier Schrodj, Florence Bally-Le Gall, and Laurent Vonna

Room-Temperature Synthesis of Size-Uniform Polystyrene Latex and Characterization of Its Properties: Third-Year Undergraduate Teaching Lab(link is external) ~ Nimer Murshid, Nicole Cathcart, and Vladimir Kitaev

Using Batteries To Teach 

Enthalpy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics(link is external) ~ David Keifer

Battery Concepts in Physical Chemistry: Making Your Own Organic–Inorganic Battery(link is external) ~ Jacob Arnbjerg, Amirreza Khataee, Thomas Breitenbach, Jan Thøgersen, Sigurd Christiansen, Henriette Gavlshøj Mortensen, Merete Bilde, Rikke Frøhlich Hougaard, and Anders Bentien

Analytical Chemistry

Community Awareness and Service Learning in Analytical Chemistry Laboratories(link is external) ~ Andrew Miller and Alan Gift

Quantitative Analysis Using a Flatbed Scanner: Aspirin Quantification in Pharmaceutical Tablets(link is external) ~ Rodrigo Sens da Silva and Endler Marcel Borges

Quantifying the Cross-Sensitivity of Glass pH Electrodes in Alkaline Solutions(link is external) ~ Olivia Boisen, Alesha Corral, Emily Pope, and John C. Goeltz

Molecular-Formula Determination through Accurate-Mass Analysis: A Forensic Investigation(link is external) ~ Alan Austin Doucette and Roderick A. Chisholm

Investigating Scale Literacy Skills

Classwide Investigation of Absolute and Relative Scaling Conceptions of Students in Introductory College Chemistry(link is external) ~ Jaclyn M. Trate, Ann Hackl, Brian Mohs, Peter Geissinger, Anja Blecking, and Kristen L. Murphy

Response Process Validity Studies of the Scale Literacy Skills Test(link is external) ~ Jaclyn M. Trate, Victoria Fisher, Anja Blecking, Peter Geissinger, and Kristen L. Murphy

Commentary & News

Gautam Bhattacharyya presents a commentary on Construction by De-construction(link is external) to better understand how students make sense of the electron-pushing formalism.

Information about the  26th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, July 18–23, 2020, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon(link is external) is provided by Richard Nafshun and Thomas J. Greenbowe. Additional information about call for symposia and workshop proposals was recently posted on ChemEdX.

Printing the Archives: Cyanotype

This issue includes A Macroscale Model for Hands-On Activities Demonstrating Transmission Electron Microscopy(link is external) by Natalie V. Hudson-Smith, Meghan S. Cahill, Nathan D. Klein, Miriam O.P. Krause, and Christy L. Haynes, in which a low cost macroscale TEM model uses cyanotype paper for “imaging”.

For additional explorations of cyanotype in past issues, see: 

Prussian Blue: Artists' Pigment and Chemists' Sponge(link is external) ~ Mike Ware

Blueprint Photography by the Cyanotype Process(link is external) ~ Glen D. Lawrence and Stuart Fishelson

UV Catalysis, Cyanotype Photography, and Sunscreens(link is external) ~ Glen D. Lawrence and Stuart Fishelson

The Chemistry of Photography: Still a Terrific Laboratory Course for Nonscience Majors(link is external) ~ Simeen Sattar

Introducing the Human Element in Chemistry by Synthesizing Blue Pigments and Creating Cyanotypes in a First-Year Chemistry Course(link is external) ~ Olivier Morizot, Eric Audureau, Jean-Yves Briend, Gaetan Hagel, and Florence Boulc’h

A New Approach toward Cyanotype Photography Using Tris-(oxalato)ferrate(III): An Integrated Experiment(link is external) ~ Pablo Alejandro Fiorito and André Sarto Polo

JCE: A Catalyst for Teaching and Learning

Catalyze your chemistry teaching and learning chemistry with over 96 volumes of articles to explore—including the articles mentioned above(link is external)— in the Journal of Chemical Education(link is external). Articles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable)(link is external) are also available.

Do you have something to share? Write it up for the Journal! For example, consider submitting a contribution to the Special Issue on Chemical Safety Education: Methods, Culture, and Green Chemistry(link is external) (submission deadline: February 3, 2020) or to the Special Issue on Chemical Security(link is external) (submission deadline: September 9, 2019) . Erica Jacobsen’s Commentary(link is external) provides excellent advice about becoming an author. In addition, numerous author resources are available on JCE’s ACS Web site(link is external), including Author Guidelines(link is external) and Document Templates(link is external). In addition, the ACS Publishing Center(link is external), has resources for preparing and reviewing manuscripts for ACS journals.