Skills for Success
The February 2020 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online(link is external) to subscribers. Topics featured in this issue include: dendritic growth; inspiring interest in science; writing to learn; group work; interlocking building blocks; medicinal chemistry; teaching organic chemistry; green chemistry; spectroscopy; polymer chemistry labs; teaching resources; from the archives: light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
Cover: Dendritic Growth
In Manipulating Dendritic Growth: An Undergraduate Laboratory Experience with the Interplay between Mass Transport, Supersaturated Solutions, and Dendrite Structure(link is external), Emily Ryan, Aimee Manderlink, and Jillian L. Goldfarb describe an experiment that explores the physical and chemical driving forces behind dendrite growth through a set of viscous, supersaturated solutions of varying ammonium chloride and gelatin concentrations. Students use both qualitative and quantitative observations to make connections between a fundamental laboratory exercise and critical materials processing techniques that rely on physicochemical driving forces. The cover shows a series of superimposed, time-lapse images of dendrite formation in a supersaturated solution of NH4Cl, in which different colors are used to show the dendrite growth at various stages.
Dendritic growth is also explored in the laboratory:
Observing the Growth of Metal Dendrites in Specimens Prepared by Fabricating Galvanic Cells and Electrolytic Cells(link is external) ~ Yizhou Ling, Zhizhen Yu, Pengwen Chen, Xiaohong Yan, and Jian Yang
Tom Holme, JCE's new editor in chief, muses on the challenges of using research-based strategies to help improve his teaching in The Winding Path toward Research-Informed Teaching Practice(link is external).
Inspiring Interest in Science
Awaking Interest in Science Learning: Hands-On Photosynthesis Demonstrations Using Elodea canadensis and Spinacia oleracea(link is external) ~ M. Münkel-Jiménez, M. Bonilla-Araya, Ana D. Grey-Pérez, and O. A. Herrera-Sancho
Making Acids and Bases MORE Basic: Supporting Students’ Conceptualization of Acid–Base Chemistry through a Laboratory Exercise That Connects Molecular-Level Representations to Symbolic Representations and Experimentally Derived Evidence(link is external) ~ Kamryn Czysz, Lianne Schroeder, and Ginevra A. Clark
Maker Chemistry: Exploring Redox Reactions in Introductory Laboratory through Light-Emitting Diode Printed Circuit Board Fabrication(link is external) ~ Scott L. Wallen, Jaspreet Dhau, Robert Green, Laura B. Wemple, Troy Kelly, Jr., and Brent Collins
Fast, Easy, Reproducible Method for Planting Fingerprints for Ninhydrin, Iodine Development(link is external) ~ Adam M. Azman
Writing to Learn
Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Support NGSS-Aligned Instruction(link is external) ~ Nina Hike and Sara J. Hughes-Phelan
Precision and Accuracy: Knowledge Transformation through Conceptual Learning and Inquiry-Based Practices in Introductory and Advanced Chemistry Laboratories(link is external) ~ Ruomei Gao and Judith Lloyd
Group Work
Skills for Success: Student-Focused, Chemistry-Based, Skills-Developing, Open-Ended Project Work(link is external) ~ Jennifer Ann Jean Burnham (available to non-subscribers as part of ACS Editors’ Choice(link is external) program)
Catalyzing Group Work in Introductory Chemistry: Evaluation of Five Strategies(link is external) ~ Meredith M. Thompson and Allison C. Lamanna
A Data-Pooling Laboratory Activity to Investigate the Influence of Ionic Strength on the Solubility of CaSO4·2H2O(s)(link is external) ~ David J. McGarvey
Interlocking Building Blocks
Teaching Kinetics and Equilibrium Topics Using Interlocking Building Bricks in Hands-on Activities(link is external) ~ Junyang Xian and Daniel B. King
A Homemade Smart Phone Microscope for Single-Particle Fluorescence Microscopy(link is external) ~ Travis Varra, Amy Simpson, Benton Roesler, Zach Nilsson, Duncan Ryan, Michael Van Erdewyk, Jennifer D. Schuttlefield Christus, and Justin B. Sambur
Medicinal Chemistry
Make a Molecule: A Synthetic Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Workshop Program for High School Students(link is external) ~ Iain A. Stepek, Raphael Hofmann, Paula L. Nichols, Andrea Aschwanden, Christophe Eckard, Patrick Aschwanden, and Jeffrey W. Bode
Science and Business of Medicinal Chemistry: A “Bench-to-Bedside” Course for Nonmajors(link is external) ~ Anna G. Wenzel, Steven Casper, Cooper J. Galvin, and Grace E. Beck
Applying a Chemical Structure Teaching Method in the Pharmaceutical Analysis Curriculum to Improve Student Engagement and Learning(link is external) ~ Hui Zheng, Binjing Hu, Qiang Sun, Jun Cao, and Fangmin Liu
Development of a Web-Based Laboratory Class to Reduce the Challenges in Teaching Fragment-Based Drug Design(link is external) ~ Xing-Xing Shi, Jing-Yi Li, Qiong Chen, Xiao-Lei Zhu, Ge-Fei Hao, and Guang-Fu Yang
Implementing a Literature-Based, Problem-Solving Course Bridging Mechanistic Organic Chemistry, Enzyme Transformations, and Biomedical Applications(link is external) ~ Brandy A. Smith, Andria J. Hendricks, Averi McFarland, Robert W. Holman, and Kenneth J. Rodnick
Determination of Zinc Oxide in Pharmaceutical Preparations by EDTA Titration: A Practical Class for a Quantitative Analysis Course(link is external) ~ Gustavo Borges Simões, Paulo Victor e Silva Badolato, Marcelo Dante Ignácio, and Eduardo Coelho Cerqueira
Teaching Organic Chemistry
Development of a Modular Online Video Library for the Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory(link is external) ~ Benjamin Pölloth, Ieva Teikmane, Stefan Schwarzer, and Hendrik Zipse
Student Individuality Impacts Use and Benefits of an Online Video Library for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory(link is external) ~ Benjamin Pölloth, Stefan Schwarzer, and Hendrik Zipse
Arrows on the Page Are Not a Good Gauge: Evidence for the Importance of Causal Mechanistic Explanations about Nucleophilic Substitution in Organic Chemistry(link is external) ~ Olivia M. Crandell, Macy A. Lockhart, and Melanie M. Cooper
Synthesis and Comparative Kinetic Study of Reaction-Based Copper(II) Probes to Visualize Aromatic Substituent Effects on Reactivity(link is external) ~ Jiyoung Jung, Adriana Dinescu, and Ahmet Kukrek
Introduction of Low-Barrier High-Throughput Experimentation in the Undergraduate Laboratory: Suzuki—Miyaura Reaction(link is external) ~ Jisun Lee, Jason R. Schmink, and Simon Berritt
Time Bomb Game: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Fun and Challenging Game Reviewing the Structural Theory of Organic Compounds(link is external) ~ José Nunes da Silva Júnior, Paulo Roberto Santos de Lima, Mary Anne Sousa Lima, Álvaro Carvalho Monteiro, Ulisses Silva de Sousa, Antonio José Melo Leite Júnior, Kimberly Benedetti Vega, Francisco Serra Oliveira Alexandre, and André Jalles Monteiro
Green Chemistry
Adapting the Anchoring Concepts Content Map (ACCM) of ACS Exams by Incorporating a Theme: Merging Green Chemistry and Organic Chemistry(link is external) ~ Thomas A. Holme, Jennifer MacKellar, David J. C. Constable, Olga R. Michels, Jaclyn M. Trate, Jeffrey R. Raker, and Kristen L. Murphy
Green Chemistry Coverage in Organic Chemistry Textbooks(link is external) ~ Sasha Johnson, Megan Meyers, Samantha Hyme, and Alexey Leontyev
Evaluating Feedstocks, Processes, and Products in the Teaching Laboratory: A Framework for Students To Use Metrics to Design Greener Chemistry Experiments(link is external) ~ Julian R. Silverman and Reuben Hudson
A Safe and Green Benzylic Radical Bromination Experiment(link is external) ~ Carlos F. Marcos, Ana G. Neo, Jesús Díaz, and Sonia Martínez-Caballero
Exploring Chemical Equilibrium for Alcohol-Based Cobalt Complexation through Visualization of Color Change and UV–vis Spectroscopy(link is external) ~ Jolie Ren, Tiffany Lin, Leonard W. Sprague, Iris Peng, and Li-Qiong Wang
Revisiting the Determination of Percent Aspirin Lab: Using a Limiting Reactant Approach for Students To Also Determine the Amount of Iron(III) Chloride(link is external) ~ Matthew Bodek, Mary Burch, Joshua Cannon, David Finneran, Kathleen Geveke, Heather Sinkinson, William Smith, and John Tierney
A CURE Biochemistry Laboratory Module to Study Protein–Protein Interactions by NMR Spectroscopy(link is external) ~ William M. Marsiglia, Rohin Qamra, Kimberly M. Jackson, and Nathaniel J. Traaseth
NMR Structure Elucidation in the Presence of Heteroatoms: An In-Class Activity(link is external) ~ Sara S. Rocks and Robert A. Stockland, Jr.
Demonstrating More Realistic Research Outcomes to Undergraduates in the Organic Teaching Lab: Separation of Product Mixtures, Structure Analysis, and Mechanistic Inquiry(link is external) ~ Haoqian Miao, Andrew L. Otsuki, Joseph O. Beckett, and Mark Mascal
A Multioutcome Experiment for the Williamson Ether Synthesis(link is external) ~ Kasey L. Yearty, Ryan K. Maynard, Christina N. Cortes, and Richard W. Morrison
Modernization of a Photochemical Reaction for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Continuous Flow Photopinacol Coupling(link is external) ~ Kate Volpe and Erin E. Podlesny
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering on Chemically Etched Copper Surface: An Upper-Level Spectroscopic Measurement and Analysis(link is external) ~ Siddhartha Kumar Pradhan, Umapathi Balaji, Soma Mishra, Manjaiah Jeevitha, and Shubhashree Swain
Polymer Chemistry Labs
Revealing the Wavelength Dependence of Photochemical Reactions: Cutting-Edge Research in the Teaching Lab(link is external) ~ Sarah L. Walden, Hendrik Frisch, Barbara V. Unterreiner, Andreas-Neil Unterreiner, and Christopher Barner-Kowollik
Well-Defined Polymers for Nonchemistry Laboratories using Oxygen Tolerant Controlled Radical Polymerization(link is external) ~ Zihao Li, Sylvia Ganda, Daniele Melodia, Cyrille Boyer, and Robert Chapman
Teaching Resources
Reversible Reactions: Extent of Reaction and Theoretical Yield(link is external) ~ Igor Novak
Graphical Representation of Hückel Molecular Orbitals(link is external) ~ Zhenhua Chen
From the Archives: Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
The laboratory experiment by Scott L. Wallen, Jaspreet Dhau, Robert Green, Laura B. Wemple, Troy Kelly, Jr., and Brent Collins discuses Maker Chemistry: Exploring Redox Reactions in Introductory Laboratory through Light-Emitting Diode Printed Circuit Board Fabrication(link is external). Light-emitting diodes have been featured in a range of articles, from curriculum ideas to building instrustrumentation, including:
LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization(link is external) ~ Arthur B. Ellis, Karen J. Nordell, Thomas F. Kuech, Stephen A. Stockman, George C. Lisensky, and S. Michael Condren
LEDs Are Diodes(link is external) ~ Cynthia G. Widstrand, Jonathan Breitzer, Arthur B. Ellis, George C. Lisensky, and S. Michael Condren
Periodic properties in a family of common semiconductors: Experiments with light emitting diodes(link is external) ~ George C. Lisensky, Rona Penn, Margret J. Geselbracht, and Arthur B. Ellis
Investigating Bandgap Energies, Materials, and Design of Light-Emitting Diodes(link is external) ~ Eugene P. Wagner, II
Using LEDs and Phosphorescent Materials To Teach High School Students Quantum Mechanics. A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory for Introductory High School Chemistry(link is external) ~ Kazem Kazerounian, William P. Green, Alan Trotochaud, Julia Sherman, and Elias W. Faraclas
Demonstrations of Frequency/Energy Relationships Using LEDs(link is external) ~ Graham T. Cheek
Demonstration of the Spectrophotometric Complementary Color Wheel Using LEDs and Indicator Dyes(link is external) ~ W. Russ Algar, Caitlyn A. G. De Jong, E. Jane Maxwell, and Chad G. Atkins
A Simple, Small-Scale Lego Colorimeter with a Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Used as Detector(link is external) ~ Jonas Asheim, Eivind V. Kvittingen, Lise Kvittingen, and Richard Verley
In Build Your Own Photometer: A Guided-Inquiry Experiment To Introduce Analytical Instrumentation(link is external) ~ Jessie J. Wang, José R. Rodríguez Núñez, E. Jane Maxwell, and W. Russ Algar
Simple and Inexpensive UV-Photometer Using LEDs as Both Light Source and Detector(link is external) ~ Eivind V. Kvittingen, Lise Kvittingen, Birte Johanne Sjursnes, and Richard Verley
A Portable, Low-Cost, LED Fluorimeter for Middle School, High School, and Undergraduate Chemistry Labs(link is external) ~ Benjamin T. Wigton, Balwant S. Chohan, Cole McDonald, Matt Johnson, Doug Schunk, Rod Kreuter, and Dan Sykes
Demonstrating Basic Properties of Spectroscopy Using a Self-Constructed Combined Fluorimeter and UV-Photometer(link is external) ~ Eivind V. Kvittingen, Lise Kvittingen, Thor Bernt Melø, Birte Johanne Sjursnes, and Richard Verley
Paired Light-Emitting Diodes for Educational Purposes: Comment on “Demonstrating Basic Properties of Spectroscopy Using a Self-Constructed Combined Fluorimeter and UV-Photometer”(link is external) ~ Robert Koncki, Marta Pokrzywnicka, and Łukasz Tymecki
Shine a Light on JCE
Explore ideas for teaching and learning of chemistry in the 97 volumes of the Journal of Chemical Education(link is external) —including the February 2020 issue described above(link is external). Articles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable)(link is external) are also available. (For more information on how to access the articles cited above, see Deanna Cullen’s post on Accessing Cited Articles.)
Do you have something to share? Write it up for the Journal! Erica Jacobsen’s Commentary(link is external) provides excellent advice about becoming an author. In addition, numerous author resources are available on JCE’s ACS Web site(link is external), including Author Guidelines(link is external) and Document Templates(link is external). In addition, the ACS Publishing Center(link is external), has resources for preparing and reviewing manuscripts for ACS journals.