JCE 97.06 June 2020 Issue Highlights

Journal of Chemical Education June 2020 Cover

Learning How to Do Chemistry

The June 2020 issue(link is external) of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online(link is external) to subscribers. Topics featured in this issue include: innovative curriculum; exploring kinetics; engaging organic chemistry activities; molecular structure and symmetry; polymer chemistry; technology-based instruction; synthesis laboratories; undergraduate research experiences; from the archives: bath bombs and cosmetics chemistry.

Cover: Scientific Photography 

Evoking affective responses from students studying chemistry may heighten their curiosity and further engage their interest in the subject, motivating them to delve deeper. In Integrating Aesthetics Education into Chemistry Education: Students Perceive, Appreciate, Explore, and Create the Beauty of Chemistry in Scientific Photography Activity(link is external), Yizhou Ling, Jiamin Xiang, Kai Chen, Junyao Zhang, and Hongyan Ren describe microscale lab activities in which students photograph precipitation reactions using a smartphone with magnification. Students observe changes in color, shape, texture, and opacity in various reactions of metal salts with sodium hydroxide solutions, including with cobalt chloride (pictured on the cover), ferrous sulfate, and copper sulfate. Using a wider lens to perceive the complexity and beauty of chemical reactions coupled with an aesthetic approach to wonder why and how these changes occur can stimulate experimental inquiry, affective response, and creative outcomes, including high-quality scientific photography.

From the archives: the power of Communicating Science through Photography(link is external) as discussed by science photographer Felice Frankel(link is external)


As circumstances keep developing during these times of disruption, Tom Holme discusses the Communication and the Chemistry Education Conference Pause of 2020(link is external) in this month’s editorial.

In a commentary, Michael K. Seery argues for Establishing the Laboratory as the Place to Learn How to Do Chemistry(link is external).

Innovative Curriculum

Johnstone’s Triangle as a Pedagogical Framework for Flipped-Class Instructional Videos in Introductory Chemistry(link is external) ~ Riley J. Petillion and W. Stephen McNeil

Hands-On Spectroscopy: Inside and Outside the First-Year Laboratory(link is external) ~ Christine Mundy and Marietjie Potgieter

Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry: A Five-Day Course for High School Students(link is external) ~ M. Kyle Hadden and Angela M. Zaino

The American Chemical Society Exams Institute Undergraduate Chemistry Anchoring Concepts Content Map V: Analytical Chemistry(link is external) ~ Thomas A. Holme, Christopher Bauer, Jaclyn M. Trate, Jessica J. Reed, Jeffrey R. Raker, and Kristen L. Murphy

Developing and Evaluating a Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Training Course in the Chemistry Department of a Large American University(link is external) ~ Franziska K. Lang, Christopher A. Randles, and Kathleen A. Jeffery

Exploring Kinetics

Sizzle and Fizzle of Bath Bombs: An Inexpensive and Accessible Kinetics Experiment(link is external) ~ Meaghan Cabassa and Beth L. Haas

A Closer Examination of the Mechanism of the Hydrogen Peroxide Iodine-Clock Reaction with Respect to the Role of Hypoiodite Species(link is external) ~ Ben Ruekberg

Kinetic Analysis of the Redox Reaction in an Aqueous Vanadium–Oxalate System(link is external) ~ Ken Elen, An Hardy, and Marlies K. Van Bael

Engaging Organic Chemistry Activities

Local and Timely Class Project Promotes Student Engagement in a Nonmajors’ Course: Organic Chemistry at the North Carolina State Fair(link is external) ~ Lucie Ciccone and Maria T. Gallardo-Williams

Organic Chemistry I Cassino: A Card Game for Learning Functional Group Transformations for First-Semester Students(link is external) ~ Peter T. Bell, Bernat A. Martinez-Ortega, and Ashlee Birkenfeld

Molecular Structure and Symmetry

Designing Three-Dimensional Models That Can Be Printed on Demand and Used with Students to Facilitate Teaching Molecular Structure, Symmetry, and Related Topics(link is external) ~ Anton V. Savchenkov

Computer-Aided Identification of Symmetry Relating Groups of Molecules(link is external) ~ Gabriella N. Ruiz and Timothy C. Johnstone

Polymer Chemistry

Photo-Cross-Linked Hydrogel Replication of Small Objects: A Multistep Final Project for Undergraduate Polymer Laboratories(link is external) ~ Aaron Alford, Racquel Caviedes, and Eugenia Kharlampieva

Simulating the Effects of Excluded-Volume Interactions in Polymer Solutions(link is external) ~ Elon Langbeheim

Technology-Based Instruction

An Arduino-Based Talking Calorimeter for Inclusive Lab Activities(link is external) ~ Victor V. Gomes, Sofia C. F. Cavaco, Carmen P. Morgado, João Aires-de-Sousa, and Julio C. B. Fernandes

Teaching Principal Component Analysis Using a Free and Open Source Software Program and Exercises Applying PCA to Real-World Examples(link is external) ~ Laı́s Feltrin Sidou and Endler Marcel Borges

Synthesis Laboratories

A Semester-Long, Organic Chemistry Laboratory Structured around Unknown Analysis and Resynthesis as a Bridge to Guided-Inquiry(link is external) ~ Tanja Kovacevic, Austin Skinner, John D. Fisk, Vanessa Fishback, and Scott M. Reed

Preparation and Thermochromic Switching between Phosphorescence and Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence of Mononuclear Copper(I) Complexes(link is external) ~ Christoph Förster and Katja Heinze

Synthesis and Use of a Nickel Oxidation Catalyst Using Glove Box Methods(link is external) ~ Charles J. Weiss and Lon A. Porter, Jr.

Synthesizing CeO2–NiTiO3/Attapulgite and Investigating the Conversion Rate of NOx, Sulfur Resistance, N2 Selectivity, and Stability of the Catalyst through Applied SCR by Upper-Level Undergraduate Students(link is external) ~ Aijuan Xie, Yuwei Tao, Wanqi Zhang, Xiaoxiao Duo, Jianing Chang, Bing Xue, Shiping Luo, and Guoping Zhou

Undergraduate Research Experiences

Comprehensive Training of Undergraduates Majoring in Chemical Education by Designing and Implementing a Simple Thread-Based Microfluidic Experiment(link is external) ~ Longfei Cai, Zhuang Ouyang, Xinrong Huang, and Chunxiu Xu

Development of a Large-Enrollment Course-Based Research Experience in an Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory: Structure–Function Relationships in Pyrylium Photoredox Catalysts(link is external) ~ Cole L. Cruz, Natalie Holmberg-Douglas, Nicholas P. R. Onuska, Joshua B. McManus, Ian A. MacKenzie, Bryant L. Hutson, Nita A. Eskew, and David A. Nicewicz

Investigating the Mechanism of Alkyne Hydrogenation through an Open-Ended, Inquiry-Based Undergraduate Research Project Exploring Heterogeneous Catalysis(link is external) ~ Anne Mirich, Mackenzie Enmeier, Katie Cunningham, Kara Grossman, Grace Recker, Samantha Jarman, Tazah Weinmaster, Reba Mehaffey, Grayson Huldin, Giorgio Bacchin, Samaya Kallepalli, Laura Cogua, Lydia Johnson, and Bruce Mattson

Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Titanosilicate ETS-10: Preparation for Research Integrated Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course(link is external) ~ Mariam N. Ismail

Participation of Undergraduate Students in a Controlled Feeding Study with Metabolomics Analysis to Enhance Learning of Metabolism(link is external) ~ Michael R. La Frano, Samir Amin, and Rob K. Fanter

From the Archives: Bath Bombs and Cosmetics Chemistry

This issue includes an experiment by Meaghan Cabassa and Beth L. Haas on the Sizzle and Fizzle of Bath Bombs: An Inexpensive and Accessible Kinetics Experiment(link is external), which in part helps students see the connection between chemistry and everyday life. (In addition, this lab can be performed at home.) Other articles with connections to the cosmetics chemistry in past issues include:

JCE Classroom Activity #58: Bath Bubblers(link is external) ~ Barbara Walker and Mary E. Harris

The Preparation and Testing of a Common Emulsion and Personal Care Product: Lotion(link is external) ~ Suzanne T. Mabrouk

Making Usable, Quality Opaque or Transparent Soap(link is external) ~ Suzanne T. Mabrouk

Green Soap: An Extraction and Saponification of Avocado Oil(link is external) ~ Susan Sutheimer, Jacqueline M. Caster, and Simone H. Smith

JCE Classroom Activity #47: Brushing Up on Chemistry(link is external) ~ Ashley Trantow

Chemistry Perfumes Your Daily Life(link is external) ~ Anne-Dominique Fortineau

The Chemistry of Perfume: A Laboratory Course for Nonscience Majors(link is external) ~ Jennifer L. Logan and Craig E. Rumbaugh

Using Flavor Chemistry To Design and Synthesize Artificial Scents and Flavors(link is external) ~ Jessica L. Epstein, Michael Castaldi, Grishma Patel, Peter Telidecki, and Kevin Karakkatt

Chemistry of Cosmetics(link is external) ~ J. Chem. Educ. Staff

Introducing Students to Rheological Classification of Foods, Cosmetics, and Pharmaceutical Excipients Using Common Viscous Materials(link is external) ~ Célia Faustino, Ana F. Bettencourt, António Alfaia, and Lídia Pinheiro

JCE: A Constant Source of Ideas 

Even in these times of disruption, there are always ideas for teaching and learning  chemistry in the 97 volumes of the Journal of Chemical Education(link is external) —including the June 2020 issue(link is external) described above. Articles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable(link is external)) are also available. (For more information on how to access the  articles cited above, see Deanna Cullen’s post on Accessing Cited Articles.)

Do you have something to share? Write it up for the Journal! There’s even still time to consider submitting to the special issue of JCE on Insights Gained While Teaching Chemistry in the Time of COVID-19(link is external) (deadline is June 17, 2020).

Erica Jacobsen’s Commentary(link is external) continues to provide excellent advice about becoming an author. In addition, numerous author resources are available on JCE’s ACS website(link is external), including the revised Author Guidelines(link is external) and Document Templates(link is external). The ACS Publishing Center(link is external) also has resources for preparing and reviewing manuscripts for ACS journals.