Political dilemmas

Political dilemmas will be associated with resistance from various stakeholders when school and organizational norms are questioned and routines of privilege and authority are disturbed.


Some Examples:

  • My head of department observed me and said that I did not teach any meaningful skills in class, the students just talked and came up with some ideas.  
  • The school board is worried that I am not teaching the material in a way that the students will be able to pass the state standards test.  
  • The parents are upset that I have flipped the class and that students have to learn and teach on their own while I just listen.  
  • The students are upset that the other teachers are learning different things from their teachers and feel left behind.  
  • What if the students actually learn how to use Chemical Thinking and can demonstrate their knowledge to me, but fail standardized tests because they are unfamiliar with the question.

What you might hear teachers say:

A question you might ask to encourage discussion about the dilemma:

My department chair/principal observed me and said that I did not teach any meaningful skills in class; the students just talked and came up with some ideas.  

How might we help school leaders understand the shift in thinking, roles,  and expectations when using the Chemical Thinking Framework?

The school/district insists I teach the material in ways they think maximize student scores on standardized tests.

How might students learn to demonstrate their understanding in ways that show alignment with the standards?

It takes so much time to have students construct this knowledge, I don’t think I can finish the entire curriculum.

In what ways does using the Chemical Thinking Framework leverage learning differently?