Session 9 at a Glance

The session begins by asking participants to discuss teaching dilemmas and identify those that have come up for them at their school or in their instruction. Participants focus on examining and commenting on their videos, specifically with regard to eliciting and advancing moves. They then learn about the advantages and purposes for taking a dialogic or an authoritative stance when probing students’ chemical thinking. Time is set aside to support teachers with adjusting or modifying their final formative assessment and receiving feedback from their peers before they give the FA to their students

Session Objectives

In this session, teachers will:

  • Develop a chemical thinking perspective that views the discipline as addressing problems that chemistry allows us to answer, and interprets curriculum toward positioning students to use their chemistry knowledge in the real world.
  • Strengthen the ability to plan for learning about students’ chemical thinking using formative assessments that elicit students’ ideas, particularly focusing on the nature of questions.

Participant Agenda

  1. Presentation: Introduction & Overview
  2. Small groups/pairs: Examining and commenting on videos
  3. Whole group: Dialogic and Authoritative teacher approaches
  4. Break
  5. Individual & Group Work: Share, review, modify and receive feedback on final FA
  6. Closing Routines: Exit ticket & homework


Full download (zipped folder)(link is external)


ACCT Program components focused on in this session


Chemical Thinking Thread: Chemical Causality


Formative Assessment Enactment Model: Dialogic and authoritative teacher moves


Teacher Dilemmas