A Culturally Relevant Collab with NGSS and Chemistry
Nina Hike shares a storyline and lesson that seamlessly integrates NGSS with a culturally relevant storyline, making learning chemistry both engaging and impactful.
Nina Hike shares a storyline and lesson that seamlessly integrates NGSS with a culturally relevant storyline, making learning chemistry both engaging and impactful.
It has been claimed that because all water ultimately ends up in the water cycle, we drink water that the dinosaurs peed out. What does chemistry have to say about this assertion?
Tissue paper can be folded and cut with chemistry-related patterns to make decorative paper banners that can be used as Mexican-themed decorations. Chemistry concept connections include lattice energy, bandgap energy, and ionic crystal fracture.
Nora Walsh asks Chat GPT to help create a list of potential phenomena to incorporate into lessons.
Nora Walsh reflects on her experience using phenomena in her chemistry courses and assessments for the first time.
Igniting paper towels that have been soaked in concentrated potassium nitrate and allowed to dry yields a flame reminiscent of that produced by guncotton. Repeating this experiment with other metal nitrates produces flames with different colors, plus a few other chemical surprises! This series of experiments is fascinating and connects to a wide variety of chemical topics including combustion, redox reactions, chemical thermodynamics, and flame tests. You don't want to miss this one!
Demonstrate the Law of Definite Proportions by quickly and easily preparing one or more esters!
Anthony Stetzenmeyer's grading strategy provides an alternative option to offering required retakes on summative assessments. It has the added bonus of helping his AP chemistry students prepare for the AP exam while learning to cut their losses.