Especially JCE: July 2019
Erica Jacobsen | Thu, 07/11/2019 - 19:17
Erica Jacobsen shares highlights from the July 2019 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education of special interest to our ChemEd X community.
Erica Jacobsen shares highlights from the July 2019 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education of special interest to our ChemEd X community.
In this Activity, column chromatography separations are simulated using a grid, colored paper squares, and a six-sided die. Students observe the effects of changing flow rate, column length, and mobile phase composition. As squares come off the grid, the separation (or lack thereof) of the colors is noticeable.
In this Activity, students investigate the chemistry of the popular Salt Crystal Garden. They grow salt crystals by evaporation from aqueous solutions containing various mixtures of table salt, ammonia, and laundry bluing in order to determine the purpose of each component.