Classroom Culture

Five For the First

Nora Walsh shares some of her favorite FIRST WEEK of school activities for the chemistry classroom!

Walking The Teacher Tightrope Between Providing Professional Grace and Rigor -- Evaluation In The New World Of COVID!

The Trials and Tribulations of a Teacher During COVID Times! - Part 3: In this four part series of articles, Yvonne Clifford seeks to provide readers with some tips and concrete, workable ideas that have helped to fulfill her desire to provide a chemistry programme that is both interesting and rigourous. 

Motivating Students While In COVID Times: Striving “Above and Beyond” For Students And Teachers Alike

The Trials and Tribulations of a Teacher During COVID Times! - Part 2: In this four part series of articles, Yvonne Clifford seeks to provide readers with some tips and concrete, workable ideas that have helped to fulfill her desire to provide a chemistry programme that is both interesting and rigourous.