Balancing Forces - A Magnetic Chess Brain Break
Use magnetic chess as a brain break during chemistry class to help introduce potential energy versus interparticle distance graphs in a memorable way!
Use magnetic chess as a brain break during chemistry class to help introduce potential energy versus interparticle distance graphs in a memorable way!
Brain Breaks are powerful tools in education, supported by research showing improved focus, retention, community building, and reduced stress among students. When structured using chemistry principles, like in the Water Maze Race, brain breaks can also introduce or reinforce fundamental chemistry concepts.
Here is a fun way to open up the topic of observations and conclusions.
This "first day" activity is an opportunity to help students practice asking good questions!
Nora Walsh shares some of her favorite FIRST WEEK of school activities for the chemistry classroom!
Learn the chemistry behind the reaction between calcium carbide and water...melon...?!
The Trials and Tribulations of a Teacher During COVID Times! - Part 4: In this four part series of articles, Yvonne Clifford provides readers with some tips and concrete, workable ideas that have helped to fulfill her desire to provide a chemistry programme that is both interesting and rigourous.
Use a simple experiment to get to know students, demonstrate experimental design and discuss classroom policies about cell phones.
The Trials and Tribulations of a Teacher During COVID Times! - Part 3: In this four part series of articles, Yvonne Clifford seeks to provide readers with some tips and concrete, workable ideas that have helped to fulfill her desire to provide a chemistry programme that is both interesting and rigourous.
The Trials and Tribulations of a Teacher During COVID Times! - Part 2: In this four part series of articles, Yvonne Clifford seeks to provide readers with some tips and concrete, workable ideas that have helped to fulfill her desire to provide a chemistry programme that is both interesting and rigourous.