The Trials and Tribulations of a Teacher During COVID Times!
Yvonne Clifford shares tips and ideas for making your high school chemistry course both interesting and rigorous.
Yvonne Clifford shares tips and ideas for making your high school chemistry course both interesting and rigorous.
Early Middle College High Schools are growing in popularity. They are an alternative public high school program where students earn up to 60 college credits while completing their high school diploma. Here, the author describes some lessons learned while teaching at an early college program that helps prepare students for college and careers.
Michael Jansen runs this engaging "big picture" lab on day 1 of Grade 11 Chemistry, which is the students' first dedicated Chemistry course.
Bring the fun of the viral word game "Wordle" into the chemistry classroom!
How to build confidence in your students and minimize aggression.
Chad Husting explains how he used two hands on activities to get a sense of where his students were at within the realm of labwork and the scientific process as school began.
Storytelling is ubiquitous throughout all human cultures. Why not use storytelling in the chemistry classroom as a way to develop a classroom community of support and friendship? Interested? Cool, read on!
Interested in building a healthy sense of belonging for students in chemistry class and laboratory? In encouraging students to form study groups that lead to friendships post-chemistry class? Try the Study Group Selfie.
Thomas Scott has found a professional learning community of chemistry teachers on TikTok. He shares his experience and how using the app has engaged his students.
When the world stopped back in March, I wrote that no one knew how to teach in a pandemic. Here we are, 8 months later and we are still learning and adapting every day. I know each teacher has their own unqiue set of challenges this year, but I have found some small wins that I’m happy to share.