
Lithium Battery Flame

Inspired by a recent article in the Journal of Chemical Education, Tom Kuntzleman attempted to extract lithium from a coin battery, and to use the extracted lithium to produce a pink flame.

Element of the Month - Iron

In honor of the International Year of the Periodic Table: A familiarity with the chemistry of some of the elements more commonly encountered in everyday life is a valuable learning experience for all students. Iron is the last element in this series of elements to be discussed as part of the Element of the Month program. #IYPT

Element of the Month - Phosphorus

In honor of the International Year of the Periodic Table: A familiarity with the chemistry of some of the elements more commonly encountered in everyday life is a valuable learning experience for all students. Phosphorus is the eighth in this series of elements to be discussed as part of the Element of the Month program. #IYPT

Element of the Month- Chlorine

In honor of the International Year of the Periodic Table: A familiarity with the chemistry of some of the elements more commonly encountered in everyday life is a valuable learning experience for all students. Chlorine is the seventh in this series of elements to be discussed as part of the Element of the Month program. #IYPT

Element of the Month - Copper

In honor of the International Year of the Periodic Table: A familiarity with the chemistry of some of the elements more commonly encountered in everyday life is a valuable learning experience for all students. Copper is the sixth in this series of elements to be discussed as part of the Element of the Month program. #IYPT