
Ice Clouds 2.0

What is some of the chemistry involved in the formation of ice clouds when boiling water is thrown into icy air?

JCE 96.06 June 2019 Issue Highlights


The June 2019 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online to subscribers. Topics featured in this issue include: Characterizing Color; Inquiry-Based Activities and Projects; Learning with Games; Culturally Relevant Chemistry; Exploring the Design and Building of Instrumentation; Teaching Nanochemistry; Laboratory Experiments; Computational Chemistry; Chemical Education Research; Teaching Resources; Banking on the Archives: Using Currency To Teach Chemistry; Call for Papers: Chemical Safety Education.

Great Science Geek Gear

Megan was watching a show about Nicola Tesla. She was so impressed that afterwards she decided Nicola needed an "emblem". She made one, put it on her Etsy site and the rest is history. The response was great and an idea was born. Nicola was the first of many emblems.  Megan said she is not sure if she is a nerd who loves art or an artist who embraced her inner geek. Either way, her stickers, posters, t-shirts, flashcards and designs are super cool.

JCE 94.02 February 2017 Issue Highlights

The February 2017 online issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available to subscribers. Topics featured include: surface chemistry; chemical identity thinking; conceptual understanding; communicating science to the general public; activities and labs linking chemistry and art; history and chemistry; early access to research; technology as instructional support; synthesis laboratories; from the archives: bottle chemistry.