
Keeping Simulations Simple with Javalab

Javalab is a resource for free simulations to support student understanding of chemistry concepts. These web based simulations can be used across different platforms and are simple in their use by students. The open ended aspect of the simulations allow for teachers to be creative in how they are used in class.

Using an Argument-Driven Inquiry framework for student exploration of gas laws

Based on some interactions here on ChemEd X and Twitter, I have been looking for ways to have students generate more questions, ideas, and investigation methods. (See a list of relevant links below.) Some of this is inspired by Argument Driven Inquiry, while some of it is simply my own quest to move further away from being the sole source of information in the class. In this blog post, I would like to talk about how I addressed gas laws using Atomsmith Classroom Online as an investigative tool in place of lab work I did previously using the Vernier gas pressure sensor.