JCE 93.02 February 2016 Issue Highlights

Journal of Chemical Education February 2016 Cover

Providing Unique Learning Experiences

The February 2016 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online(link is external) to subscribers. Topics featured in this issue include: metal–organic cage & host–guest interactions; safety; innovative teaching approaches; understanding kinetics; computer-based instruction; activities combining ethics and analysis; “play with your food” laboratories; synthesis and analysis in the laboratory; fluorescence-based experiments; chemical education research; mining the archives: copper.

Cover: Metal–Organic Cage & Host–Guest Interactions

Four commercial reagents, mixed in D2O at room temperature, spontaneously form a tetrahedral cage for direct NMR analysis without workup or purification. This self-assembled structure encapsulates small, nonpolar molecules and is held together by dynamic C=N and N→Fe bonds. In Self-Assembly, Guest Capture, and NMR Spectroscopy of a Metal–Organic Cage in Water(link is external), Eun Bin Go, Veerasak Srisuknimit, Stephanie L. Cheng, and David A. Vosburg describe an advanced laboratory experiment for undergraduates to create the cage and explore its host–guest chemistry by 1H and DOSY NMR. After this laboratory experience, students effectively related organic chemistry with molecular self-assembly, supramolecular chemistry, and host–guest interactions. Additional labs in the issue about host–guest interactions are:

Synthesis and Characterization of Calixarene Tetraethers: An Exercise in Supramolecular Chemistry for the Undergraduate Organic Laboratory(link is external) ~ Stefan L. Debbert, Bradley D. Hoh, and David J. Dulak

Molecular Recognition: Detection of Colorless Compounds Based On Color Change(link is external) ~ Lida Khalafi, Samira Kashani, and Javad Karimi


Safety is always a concern in the chemistry classroom and lab. In their commentary, Ira O. Staehle, Tim S. Chung, Antoine Stopin, Geeta S. Vadehra, Scott I. Hsieh, James H. Gibson, and Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay discuss An Approach To Enhance the Safety Culture of an Academic Chemistry Research Laboratory by Addressing Behavioral Factors(link is external). Some additional JCE safety resources in past issues include:

Funding Safety Activities in Secondary Schools ~(link is external) William C. Penker and Harry J. Elston

Safety Teams: An Approach To Engage Students in Laboratory Safety(link is external) ~ Peter J. Alaimo, Joseph M. Langenhan, Martha J. Tanner, and Scott M. Ferrenberg

Innovative Teaching Approaches

A First-Year Chemistry Undergraduate “Course Community” at a Large, Research-Intensive University(link is external) ~ Brian J. De La Franier, Jenny Diep, Perry J. C. Menzies, Barbora Morra, Katherine J. Koroluk, and Andrew P. Dicks

Enhancing the Skill-Building Phase of Introductory Organic Chemistry Lab through a Reflective Peer Review Structure(link is external) ~ Jason K. Pontrello

Teaching with the Case Study Method To Promote Active Learning in a Small Molecule Crystallography Course for Chemistry Students(link is external) ~ Michael G. Campbell, Tamara M. Powers, and Shao-Liang Zheng

Understanding Kinetics

Visualization of Kinetics: Stimulating Higher-Order Thinking via Visualization(link is external) ~ Julie B. Ealy

Deducing Reaction Mechanism: A Guide for Students, Researchers, and Instructors(link is external) ~ Simon J. Meek, Catherine L. Pitman, and Alexander J. M. Miller

Computer-Based Instruction

Pensaqui: A Learning Object about Chemical Transformations(link is external) ~ Daniela R. Silva, Patrícia N. Hübler, Gabriela Perry, Marlise Bock Santos, Mara Lúcia Fernandes Carneiro, andJ. C. Del Pino

Heteronuclear Multidimensional Protein NMR in a Teaching Laboratory(link is external) ~ Nathan T. Wright

Teaching Inorganic Photophysics and Photochemistry with Three Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complexes: A Computer-Based Exercise(link is external) ~ Claudio Garino, Alessio Terenzi, Giampaolo Barone, and Luca Salassa

Using Mathematical Software To Introduce Fourier Transforms in Physical Chemistry To Develop Improved Understanding of Their Applications in Analytical Chemistry(link is external) ~ Tierney C. Miller, John N. Richardson, and Jeb S. Kegerreis

Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Can Provide Critical Thinking Opportunities(link is external) ~ Dale E. Moore, David R. Goode, Caryn S. Seney, and Jennifer M. Boatwright

Using Interactive Psychrometric Charts to Visualize and Explore Psychrometric Processes(link is external) ~ Péter Erdélyi and Róbert Rajkó

Activities Combining Ethics and Analysis

Nature or Naughty: Bringing “Deflategate” to the High School Chemistry Classroom(link is external) ~ Elizabeth J. Megonigal

Misconduct at the Lab? A Performance Task Case Study for Teaching Data Analysis and Critical Thinking(link is external) ~ Stephen M. Contakes

“Play with Your Food” Laboratories

Quantifying Gold Nanoparticle Concentration in a Dietary Supplement Using Smartphone Colorimetry and Google Applications(link is external) ~ Antonio R. Campos, Cassandra M. Knutson, Theodore R. Knutson, Abbie R. Mozzetti, Christy L. Haynes, and R. Lee Penn

Obtaining the Iodine Value of Various Oils via Bromination with Pyridinium Tribromide(link is external) ~ Michael Simurdiak, Olushola Olukoga, and Kirk Hedberg

Using a Sequence of Experiments with Turmeric Pigments from Food To Teach Extraction, Distillation, and Thin-Layer Chromatography to Introductory Organic Chemistry Students(link is external) ~ Thayssa da S. F. Fagundes, Karen Danielle B. Dutra, Carlos Magno R. Ribeiro, Rosângela de A. Epifanio, andAlessandra L. Valverde

Introducing Students to Protein Analysis Techniques: Separation and Comparative Analysis of Gluten Proteins in Various Wheat Strains(link is external) ~ Alyssa L. Pirinelli, Jonathan C. Trinidad, and Nicola L. B. Pohl

Citrus Quality Control: An NMR/MRI Problem-Based Experiment(link is external) ~ Sarah E. Erhart, Robert M. McCarrick, Gary A. Lorigan, and Ellen J. Yezierski

Liquid CO2 Extraction and NMR Characterization of Anethole from Fennel Seed: A General Chemistry Laboratory(link is external) ~ Brett R. Bodsgard, Nathan R. Lien, and Quinlyn T. Waulters

Synthesis and Analysis in the Laboratory

Chemical Synthesis Accelerated by Paper Spray: The Haloform Reaction(link is external) ~ Ryan M. Bain, Christopher J. Pulliam, Shannon A. Raab, and R. Graham Cooks

Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Complexes with Schiff Base Ligands(link is external) ~ Shane M. Wilkinson, Timothy M. Sheedy, and Elizabeth J. New

Complexation Key to a pH Locked Redox Reaction(link is external) ~ Masood Ahmad Rizvi, Yuvraj Dangat, Tahir Shams, and Khaliquz Zaman Khan

Fluorescence-Based Experiments

Fluorescence Aggregation-Caused Quenching versus Aggregation-Induced Emission: A Visual Teaching Technology for Undergraduate Chemistry Students(link is external) ~ Xiaofeng Ma, Rui Sun, Jinghui Cheng, Jiaoyan Liu, Fei Gou, Haifeng Xiang, and Xiangge Zhou

Measuring Norfloxacin Binding to Trypsin Using a Fluorescence Quenching Assay in an Upper-Division, Integrated Laboratory Course(link is external) ~ Katherine A. Hicks

Evaluating the Relationship between FRET Changes and Distance Changes Using DNA Length and Restriction Enzyme Specificity(link is external) ~ Yogitha Pazhani, Abigail E. Horn, Lizbeth Grado, and Jennifer F. Kugel

Chemical Education Research

Investigating Affective Experiences in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory: Students’ Perceptions of Control and Responsibility(link is external) ~ Kelli R. Galloway, Zoebedeh Malakpa, and Stacey Lowery Bretz

Test–Retest Reliability of the Adaptive Chemistry Assessment Survey for Teachers: Measurement Error and Alternatives to Correlation(link is external) ~ Jordan Harshman and Ellen Yezierski

Using Cooperative Learning To Teach Chemistry: A Meta-analytic Review(link is external) ~ Abdi-Rizak M. Warfa

Mining the Archives: Copper

In their laboratory experiment, Iain A. Smellie, Ross S. Forgan, Claire Brodie, Jack S. Gavine, Leanne Harris, Daniel Houston, Andrew D. Hoyland, Rory P. McCaughan, Andrew J. Miller, Liam Wilson, and Fiona M. Woodhall describe Solvent Extraction of Copper: An Extractive Metallurgy Exercise for Undergraduate Teaching Laboratories(link is external). Copper has been featured in many articles in the Journal, including this collection of demonstrations and activities from past issues:

Copper Metal from Malachite circa 4000 B.C.E.(link is external) ~ Cris E. Johnson, Gordon T. Yee, and Jeannine E. Eddleton

Chemistry and Art in a Bag: An Easy-To-Implement Outreach Activity Making and Painting with a Copper-Based Pigment(link is external) ~ Anne C. Gaquere-Parker, N. Allie Doles, and Cass D. Parker

Synthesis of Copper Pigments, Malachite and Verdigris: Making Tempera Paint(link is external) ~ Sally D. Solomon, Susan A. Rutkowsky, Megan L. Mahon, and Erica M. Halpern

Metals in Metal Salts: A Copper Mirror Demonstration(link is external) ~ Robert D. Pike

An Improved Copper Mirror Demonstration(link is external) ~ Maja Nikoloska and Vladimir M. Petruševski

The Household Chemistry of Cleaning Pennies(link is external) ~ Laurence D. Rosenhein

A Simple Penny Analysis(link is external) ~ Nicholas C. Thomas and Stephen Faulk

Visual Observation of Dissolution of Copper Ions from a Copper Electrode(link is external) ~ Isao Ikemoto and Kouichi Saitou

Celebrating the International Year of Crystallography with a Wisconsin High School Crystal Growing Competition(link is external) ~ Ilia A. Guzei

Journal of Chemical Education Bends Time and Space

With 93 volumes of the Journal of Chemical Education to explore, you will always find something mind-blowing—including the articles mentioned above(link is external), and many more, in the Journal of Chemical Education(link is external). Articles that are edited and published online ahead of print (ASAP—As Soon As Publishable(link is external)) are also available.

If you are considering writing an article for JCE(link is external), there are numerous author resources available on JCE’s ACS Web site, including recently updated Author Guidelines(link is external), Document Templates(link is external), and Reference Guidelines(link is external).