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Twelve years teaching a fully online GOB (General Organic Biochemistry) chemistry course have revealed many benefits for faculty and students alike. This blog focuses on some positive aspects of teaching online.
The practice and the promulgation of science, its ideas, and knowledge acquired about how the biotic and abiotic world works depend significantly on what words are chosen to communicate scientific ideas, methods, thought, and information. This blog post looks at how a recently published NY Times article on the growing evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can be transmitted via the air can be used in the classroom to promote discussion and challenge students to think about the distinction between data and evidence. If applicable, it could be expanded to also include the difference between opinion and information, if desired.
The process of making beverages from fermented grain is a chemical synthesis slightly newer than human civilization itself. This article descibes the chemistry of the first step- malting the raw mature grain.
AACT has organized eight virtual symposia to provide professional development for teachers this summer. These symposia can truly help teachers plan for the next school year and virtually “see” one another to share ideas and concerns.
Liquid nitrogen is used to visualize the aerosol particles emitted while speaking, coughing, breathing, and sneezing. The ability of various masks to block these droplets was also tested.
The purpose of this variation on the “dragon’s breath” demonstration is to illustrate that face masks can diminish the movement of particles in the air, an important idea in public health.
Metacognition is a learner-focused evaluation of knowledge growth and an essential process for complete and lasting knowledge. Although virtual learning environments pose challenges for facilitating metacognitive activities, student-made videos are effective for increasing metacognition in online chemistry instruction.
Desmos offers an activity building feature that allows teachers to create and customize activities. The resource is applicable to a variety of science and chemistry topics and useful in whatever learning environment teachers find themselves in next school year.
Tips on planning for an uncertain future.
The Ruben's Tube (also known as a Flame Tube) is a classic experiment used in physics classes. There's also a bit of chemistry to be learned while experimenting with a Ruben's Tube...