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by Shannon Bowen
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 10:29

It is the time of year that content exams loom large and student stress is high. A few years ago I decided to ditch the typical review packet for something else - an open ended, student led, collaborative concept mapping project and I am never going back to the old way!  

Comments: 3
Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago
by Sarah Kong
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 07:36

This month I spoke with Debra Johnson who teaches a variety of science subjects, chemistry and AP chemistry among, them at North Muskegon High School in North Muskegon, Michigan. Below she tells us how inquiry works in her classroom. Let us know what it looks like in yours!



Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago
by Dan Meyers
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 11:02

Late last school year at a staff meeting, teachers were informed that we were going to be coached and encouraged to introduce more vocabulary instruction to

Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago
by Chad Husting
Sun, 12/06/2015 - 19:10

There is a traditional stoichiometry lab I have done before. It involves adding dilute hydrochloric acid to sodium bicarbonate, boiling off the fluid and then getting the mass of the sodium chloride. Students then can solve the percent yield for the sodium chloride based on the amount of sodium bicarbonate they use. It is not a bad lab. Something about having hot ceramic watch glasses with acid just makes me a bit nervous. I am not sure where I got this new lab, but it has been one that has evolved over the years It is quick, dirty, relatively simple and uses over the counter (mostly) materials.

Comments: 12
Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago
by Michelle Okroy
Thu, 12/03/2015 - 17:25

Are students reflecting on what their calculated values indicate? This question constantly runs through the minds of chemistry teachers across the country. Recently educators have seen shifts in instruction that promote connections to real-world phenomena using conceptual depth in understanding.

Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago
by Michelle Okroy
Sat, 11/28/2015 - 19:12

           “So what corners of the periodic table do I have to memorize in order to get an A on the trends quiz?” This was a question that was asked by one of my students at the beginning of our periodicity unit. For countless educators we teach chemistry because we have a passion for trying to understand the world from an atomic level. However many of our students have extrinsic motivators which result in attempts to find shortcuts to recall the material. If we want to avoid responses like the one stated above we have to identify if we are asking thorough questions when assessing our students. 

Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago
by Chad Husting
Thu, 11/26/2015 - 11:34

What am I doing to help kids achieve?

Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago
by Chad Husting
Sun, 11/22/2015 - 14:41

What am I doing to help kids achieve?

Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago
by Tracy Schloemer
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 14:14

In an earlier post, I discuss some of my unit planning that (I hope!) further breaks down a few of these misconceptions - my students are not teaching themselves on google. They are weaving back and forth between learning content and the larger reason for learning the content.

However, every single one of these comments above are valid. It is really difficult work to ultimately balance individual accountability and group accountability. Every student needs to master basic stoichiometry before they leave my general chemistry course.

Comments: 2
Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago
by Sarah Kong
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 08:14

One challenge I have is knowing how to evaluate labs properly. In writing my new lab manual, I am setting up rubrics for each lab. The ultimate goal is for this manual to be used by all instructors across the chemistry department at our community college, so they need to have a consistent grading system. Writing these rubrics has been challenging. 

Comments: 1
Recent activity: 1 year 2 months ago