ChemEd X contributors offer their ideas and opinions on a broad spectrum of topics pertaining to chemical education.
Blogs at ChemEd X reflect the opinions of the contributors and are open to comments. Only selected contributors blog at ChemEd X. If you would like to blog regularly at ChemEd X, please use our Contribution form to request an invitation to do so from one of our editors.
Spend some time as the semester ends being grateful for the students who are in your classes. Then acknowledge that you are making a difference in their lives. Maybe not all of their lives, but some will be changed forever.
What is the best type of assessments in a hybrid situation? Perhaps open book and notes might provide the answer.
Free AP Chemistry prep exams are available for teachers. This is part of a research study occurring through the 2020-2021 year. Enroll today!
When the world stopped back in March, I wrote that no one knew how to teach in a pandemic. Here we are, 8 months later and we are still learning and adapting every day. I know each teacher has their own unqiue set of challenges this year, but I have found some small wins that I’m happy to share.
This blog post describes some strategies, including a tool called Calendly which makes scheduling appointments much easier, which might help increase office hour visitation.
Learn how to thermochemically analyze the Devil's Milkshake chemical demonstration - just in time for Halloween!
Some teachers do not like the idea of letting students do a "redo" on an assignment. It can, if done carefully, have a positive impact on students learning and the culture of the classroom.
Learn a simple way to relate the heat equation (Q = mc∆T ) to climate change.
To accommodate learning in the time of SARS-CoV 2 different hybrid instructional strategies have been deployed. This blog describes experiences with the HyFlex model.
"Google Forms" can be a powerful tool to assist both virtual and face to face students in chemistry.