Lets’ Get Real: The Law of Definite Proportions
Demonstrate the Law of Definite Proportions by quickly and easily preparing one or more esters!
JCE ChemEd Xchange provides a place for sharing information and opinions. Currently, articles, blogs and reading lists from ChemEd X contributors are listed below. We plan to include other items that the community wishes to share through their contributions to ChemEd X.
Demonstrate the Law of Definite Proportions by quickly and easily preparing one or more esters!
Anthony Stetzenmeyer's grading strategy provides an alternative option to offering required retakes on summative assessments. It has the added bonus of helping his AP chemistry students prepare for the AP exam while learning to cut their losses.
Regularly dimpled trays such as those used in food packaging can be used to represent layers of atoms in solid structures. For example, the square array of dimples in transparent plastic mini quiche trays can be used to depict layers within cubic or tetragonal unit cells. Multiple solid structures and ways to represent those structures are described.
Michael Jansen offers test taking strategies for students.
Find out more about Nicholls State University Department of Chemistry's recruiting program involving a Roadshow and Field Days and its impact on diversity in the chemistry program.
Find out more about Nicholls State University Department of Chemistry's recruiting program involving a Roadshow and Field Days and its impact on diversity in the chemistry program.
Description of a Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) course for middle-school students about the chemistry and biology of water.
This Nobel Laureate crossword puzzle focuses on prizes awarded between 1971 and 1980. Learn and revisit some historical chemistry, terminology and background on key historical figures in this field. This is our eighth in a series of Nobel Laureate crossword puzzles.
Brain Breaks are powerful tools in education, supported by research showing improved focus, retention, community building, and reduced stress among students. When structured using chemistry principles, like in the Water Maze Race, brain breaks can also introduce or reinforce fundamental chemistry concepts.
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