The Grand Valley State University organizers of BCCE 2014 are working to make the August 3-7, 2014 conference a valuable experience for the high school chemistry teacher.
The conference provide an opportunity for secondary school science teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, and post-secondary chemistry faculty to interact. There are chemical education research workshops available along with symposia for high school teachers with topics including Advanced Placement Chemistry, Chemical Demonstrations, Technology in Secondary Education and Next Generation Science Standards and more.
Early registration fees for high school teachers have been set at $175 and will be accepted from March 3 through June 1st of 2014. On campus housing rates start at $45/night.
Workshop and symposia proposals will be accepted until December 6, 2013 or you might want to submit an abstract for a 20 minute presentation in a particular symposia from January 1 - February 28, 2014.
For more information about the conference check out www.bcce2014.org.