Incorporating Climate Change Into Lessons on Metric Prefixes
Learn how current research on climate change can be used in your next lesson on metric prefixes and unit conversions.
Learn how current research on climate change can be used in your next lesson on metric prefixes and unit conversions.
Take a walk and explore the chemical winter wonderland of snowflakes...and diamonds!
A Picture-Perfect activity for National Chemistry Week 2024!
This chemical reaction is just plain weird...but also beautiful!
How do Melissa & Doug’s “Water WOW!” Water Reveal coloring books work? Let's do some experiments to find out!
Adding dyes to salting out experiments can create a variety of interesting color effects as the dyes differentially dissolve in the aqueous and organic layers. Can this differential solubility of dyes be explained using intermolecular forces as a guide?
Pharaoh's serpent is the name of a very interesting chemical reaction that produces a snake-like foam. Unfortunately, it requires the use of a toxic mercury compound. Explore this very similar reaction that can be achieved quite simply by using fuel tablets and calcium gluconate tablets and learn a lot about the chemistry that is involved!
What is some of the chemistry involved in the formation of ice clouds when boiling water is thrown into icy air?