Let's face it. Science teachers love to geek out with nerdy science wear (See "Nerdy Science Shirts" if you do not believe me). It is difficult not to. When my kids see my newest periodic table shirt of Star Wars characters that I got for father's day and say, "You are crazy" my (and probably your) response is "What's your point?" So...you can imagine my excitement when I just happen to be in downtown Asheville North Carolina on vacation during a craft fair. I can't say I get excited about handmade soaps and candles but when I saw a science sign it got my attention. I met an amazing young lady by the name of Megan Lee. Megan was watching a show about Nicola Tesla. She was so impressed that afterwards she decided Nicola needed an "emblem". She made one, put it on her Etsy site and the rest is history. The response was great and an idea was born. Nicola was the first of many emblems. Megan said she is not sure if she is a nerd who loves art or an artist who embraced her inner geek. Either way, her stickers, posters, t-shirts, flashcards and designs are super cool. I have informed my family that it is now a one stop shop for dad for gifts for birthday's and holidays. I knew Megan must be great when my thirteen year old son who rarely communicates sent me some of her science drawings. He thought they were fun...but he did not know the site they came from. Now I know. If you want to embrace your inner nerd with a t-shirt or buy some amazing science stickers and cards to pass out to students...check out Megan's work...you won't regret it.
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Comments 2
Nerdy clothing online
While at ChemEd 2017 I just spoke with a woman wearing this dress -
She is getting a lot of attention with women asking her where she found it!
Check it out: https://svahausa.com/collections/science
More Chemistry Stuff Online
Another place to order NERDY chemistry and science gear