ChemEd X activities are student-centered resources intended to aid learning chemistry topics.
ChemEd X encourages engaging activities where students (with guidance from the teacher) pose questions, analyze data, and make observations to offer a plausible explanation supported by data and consistent with physical observations.
Teaching and learning the concept of limiting reactants can be challenging. In this activity students manipulate beads to learn about stoichiometry. A virtual drag & drop version is also available.
The Diet Coke and Mentos reaction is used as the basis for this hands on experiment. Students work in groups to research, test, and adapt as needed with the goal to get the highest possible geyser!
This Nobel Laureate crossword puzzle focuses on prizes awarded between 1920 and 1930. Learn and revisit some historical chemistry, terminology and background on key historical figures in this field. This is our third in a series of Nobel Laureate crossword puzzles.
Nora Walsh outlines the interactive notebook pages she uses for her unit on REACTIONS. All of the documents and foldables are available for download.
That it was the "Best Class EVER" seems to be the common refrain every year by most every one of Yvonne Clifford's students over the past 30 years after the Dry Ice Day. This is an engaging chemical to bring to the chemistry classroom or an outreach event because many concepts can be applied and it affords a great deal of fun and excitement!
This Nobel Laureate crossword puzzle focuses on prizes awarded between 1909 and 1919. Learn and revisit some historical chemistry, terminology and background on key historical figures in this field. This is our second in a series of Nobel Laureate crossword puzzles.
This Nobel Laureate crossword puzzle focuses on prizes awarded between 1901 and 1909. Learn and revisit some historical chemistry, terminology and background on key historical figures in this field.
This lab guides students through taking data and constructing their own heating curve for water. It requires no special equipment, is low prep, is safe, and can even be done at home for homeschool or distance learning. Even though the lab activity itself is relatively simple and straightforward, the concepts still engage students in higher level thinking and gives them important practice with laboratory techniques and forming hypotheses.
Nora Walsh outlines the interactive notebook pages she uses for her unit on Bonding. All of the documents and foldables are available for download.
Various types of puzzles are widely used in STEM learning activities due to their ability to familiarize students with given content using a strategic approach. In this novel puzzle, there are two steps to complete the exercise. The first step involves the participant identifying periodic table element abbreviations within a specific word. The second step involves fitting the corresponding element names into a blank crossword format. The students become familiar with the elements and their abbreviations, as well as their location on the periodic table.