ChemEd X articles address topics in chemical education ranging across the entire spectrum of the chemical sciences.
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In the summer of 2016, there was a Modeling WorkshopTM for High School Chemistry just before BCCE in Colorado. I already had planned to go to BCCE, so I took the plunge. Two weeks of daily instruction and labs in student mode as well as teacher mode debriefing was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. I left with a folder and flashdrive of curriculum resources provided by AMTA (the American Modeling Teachers Association.
Deanna Cullen shares highlights from the April 2018 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education.
Matt Vonk and Peter Bohacek have just created a handful of new chemistry activities that are based on interactive high-resolution video. These classroom-ready experiments have interactive tools so that students can perform the analysis and record data themselves. In some cases, students can even change variables.
All too often teachers use POGIL activities as worksheets when the teacher is absent, busy work to review a topic, or handouts for homework. However, using the POGIL activities in this manner does not allow the students to reap all the benefits of the activity. This article is designed to give you a glimpse into what the POGIL process can do for you.
The April 2018 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online(link is external) to subscribers. Topics featured in this issue include: service-learning, safety, investigating student understanding of solutions, environmental chemistry, green chemistry, waste management, acid-base chemistry, natural products, materials science, activities and laboratory investigations, teaching resources, diving into the archives: marine chemistry.
Erica Jacobsen shares highlights from the March 2018 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education.
Students Using and Understanding Chemistry
The March 2018 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online(link is external) to subscribers. Topics featured in this issue include: demonstrations of magnetism and oxidation; the peer-review process; understanding how students learn organic mechanisms; multimedia- and computer-based learning; real-life chemistry activities; using games to teach chemistry; teaching kinetics; spectroscopy; analytical determinations; organic synthesis laboratories; distilling the archives: chemistry and paint.
Erica Jacobsen shares highlights from the February 2018 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education.
Curricular Alignment for Student Success
The February 2018 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online(link is external) to subscribers. Topics featured in this issue include: diversity within the classroom; assessment and curricular alignment; innovations in laboratory curriculum; electrochemistry; analytical chemistry labs; exploring materials science; engaging teaching approaches; historical perspectives; distilling the archives: lab-on-a-chip and microfluidic devices.
Erica Jacobsen shares highlights from the January 2018 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education.