ChemEd X articles address topics in chemical education ranging across the entire spectrum of the chemical sciences.
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Potential enhancements to soda-based demonstrations of volcanic eruptions are described. Depending on the specific demonstration setup, outgassing of carbonated sodas can represent low-viscosity lava flows or more violent production of pyroclastic materials. These simple demos can be used as stand-alone experiments or in concert with other activities.
The May 2020 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education is now available online to subscribers. Topics featured in this issue include: understanding structures; digital information and web-based learning; exploring everyday chemistry; curriculum innovations; games for teaching; NMR spectroscopy; examining properties of organic liquids; biochemistry laboratories; analytical and physical chemistry laboratories; computational chemistry; innovative low-cost instruments; research on knowledge and skills for teachers and chemists; from the archives: hands-on chemistry at home.
The ACCT project celebrates the teachers who have participated in and facilitated the ACCT professional development!
Here you can read a description of the Structure-Property Relationships thread of the Chemical Thinking framework.
Here you can find resources related to the ACCT project and the ACCT team.
Here you can read about the advisory board for the ACCT project
Here you can read about the ACCT evaluation team.
Here you can read about past members of the ACCT team.
Here you can read about current members of the ACCT team.
Here you can learn more about the ACCT project and the people involved.