ChemEd X contributors offer their ideas and opinions on a broad spectrum of topics pertaining to chemical education.
Blogs at ChemEd X reflect the opinions of the contributors and are open to comments. Only selected contributors blog at ChemEd X. If you would like to blog regularly at ChemEd X, please use our Contribution form to request an invitation to do so from one of our editors.
A periodic table project...
Chemistry Comes Alive! is JCE's outstanding collection of chemistry videos and images. This collection of 1,800 videos and thousands of images presents the chemistry as the star of the show. Migrating all of this great content into JCE Chemical Education Exchange is one of our first priorities.
Rebooting JCE Online into a new, interactive web CMS platform is a large undertaking. JCE Online has had a fairly long history, several contributors, and contains a lot of content. The content is typically static HTML and was created using numerous tools and methods. Some content is available only to subscribers.