Disappearing X Lab

Hello readers! While I do not make New Year's resolutions, I am making it a goal to update my ChemEd X blog on a more regular basis using video as my medium. In the video below, I will walk you through a kinetics experiment we use in our Chemistry 2 (and Honors Chemistry 2) courses. The lab is called Disappearing X. Please feel free to comment below with any thoughts or questions you may have. The pdf documents for the lab handout and lab report templates are attached below.



Disappearing X Lab




Students who demonstrate understanding can apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs.

*More information about all DCI for HS-PS1 can be found at https://www.nextgenscience.org/dci-arrangement/hs-ps1-matter-and-its-interactions and further resources at https://www.nextgenscience.org.



Students who demonstrate understanding can apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs.

Assessment Boundary:

Assessment is limited to simple reactions in which there are only two reactants; evidence from temperature, concentration, and rate data; and qualitative relationships between rate and temperature.


Emphasis is on student reasoning that focuses on the number and energy of collisions between molecules.