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Two groups of students, typically, have difficulty with titrations, the first time around. Those that act too rashly and overshoot the endpoint, and those over-cautious ones who they take forever to finish.
Ungrading has long been associated with the idea of purposefully eliminating or minimizing the use of points or letters to assess student work. The focus of ungrading is to provide extensive feedback to students and then jointly (students and instructors) come to a consensus as to what the grade should be. This post addresses what ungrading is and why do it.
As a chemistry teacher considering the switch to standards-based grading, you might be wondering how lab reports work in a system that is not based on points. With lab reports, you just need to decide whether you are grading chemistry content skills, scientific communication skills, or both.
This is Part 5 of a 5 part series* on National Board Certification in Early Adolescence and Young Adult Science. This post will focus on Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner. It involves identifying an area where your students need to grow and an area where you need to grow professionally.
What do scientists have to say about the connection between climate change and the bush fires in Australia?
A few months ago I reported that I was involved in a pilot standards based grading (SBG) program. My experiment in SBG started well but required some “tweeks” along the way.
High School Teacher Opportunity: Summer is the ultimate time to recharge the teaching batteries. Professional development during the summer can be a great chance to stop and reflect. It provides time that does not exist during the school year to develop new and better ideas to help students.
Teacher burnout - it is real. How can teacher's adopt more sustainable grading practices to improve their work-life balance?
Flipped classrooms are a popular pedagogical technique, delivering lectures before class so that students can engage in active learning and problem-solving activities during class. Although the response from students and teachers is mostly positive, the approach is not without its challenges. This post outlines some common challenges and how teachers might work through them.
In this lesson, students are offered a variety of alternative versions of the periodic table. Students will identify trends that are consistent from one table to the next in order to understand why the tables they are working with and Mendeleev's version are organized in the manner that they are. This lesson was designed to fit the NGSS performance expectation HS-PS 1.1 but can be used for any first year chemistry course or modified at your discretion.