ChemEd X contributors and staff members are continually coming across items of interest that they feel others may wish to know about. Picks include, but need not be limited to, books, magazines, journals, articles, apps—most anything that has a link to it can qualify.
Many Picks can be purchased from Amazon. Using the Amazon links on those pages help to support ChemEd X.
3DL4US: A New podcast explores the extension of three-dimensional learning to higher education. Many episodes are relevant for K-12 educators as well.
The ability to provide meaningful feedback has been one of the most difficult aspects of hybrid and distance learning. Using the Chrome extension, Mote, allows teachers to attach an audio recording of their feedback to student work.
The website is external) provides teachers and students the ability to take a Google Sheet and turn it into a wide variation of activities.
Come explore the “Fire and Ice” pedagogic field laboratory. Follow suggested pathways and perspectives, or blaze your own trails. Visit for 10 minutes or for hours.
“Soonish” is a book about the near future, or “near-ish”, anyway. Unlike predictions of what will happen many decades from now, which are inevitably far off the mark, “Soonish” is an attempt to describe technological developments that have already shown some plausibililty.
The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) is awarded to a select group of K-12 STEM educators from across the US each year. Teachers selected as fellows serve in a federal agency (NSF, NOAA, DOE, NASA, etc.) or on Capitol Hill for a year, sharing their educator voice to shape STEM education policy and programs at the national level. Applications for the 2021 - 2022 are due by November 29, 2020.
Ainissa Ramirez has crafted a great story book that introduces the non scientist reader to the idea of material science. Does material science influence people or do people influence material science?
The APsolute RecAP’s philosophy is to maximize students’ understanding and minimize their need for memorization. The episodes follow the updated CED and each episode is under 10 minutes in length, so students are able to squeeze in a quick, effective review session even if they don’t have a ton of time to do so.
The mission of APTeach is to create a collaborative community where teachers can share ideas about student miconceptions, pedagogy, improving student understanding, and implementing best practices for teaching chemistry.
Are you looking for a new podcast to enjoy on your way to or from work? NGS Navigators is a podcast that offers quality professional development to support teachers with NGSS content and strategies.