Physics teachers have AAPT, biology teachers have NABT, and starting this fall, chemistry teachers will have AACT. We are happy to announce that the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) will be accepting charter members starting on Aug. 4 at BCCE in Grand Rapids, Mich. But if you aren’t attending BCCE, you can join AACT by visiting teachchemistry.org(link is external)  on Aug. 4, and you’ll still have the status of charter member.

In August 2013, the ACS Board of Directors approved the formation of AACT, a membership organization to support K–12 teachers of chemistry. In March 2014, the staff was assembled, and we’ve been working hard all summer to gather and create resources, build a website, source articles for the periodical, and create animations and videos, among other things. We’ve heard from lots of teachers of chemistry who have great ideas and suggestions for AACT, and we look forward to meeting many of them in Grand Rapids.

If you’re going to BCCE, there will be many opportunities to interact with and learn about AACT. Stop by booth 13 to chat with us about your ideas; attend a Birds of a Feather lunch with AACT on Wednesday, Aug. 6 from 12:45–1:45 PM; hear from Laura Slocum, a member of the AACT advisory board, during the BCCE opening ceremony on Sunday, Aug. 3; or attend one of the AACT sponsored refreshment breaks.

Being a teacher of chemistry can be isolating, and there are a number of local organizations that support these teachers. But not all areas are fortunate enough to have a network of this type. AACT will provide all teachers of chemistry with the opportunity to connect with a like-minded community at the national level. With the shared goal of inspiring students to understand, and maybe even fall in love with, the discipline we all find so fascinating, we invite any and all teachers of chemistry to be part of the AACT community. Membership for teachers and those interested in chemical education is 50,andpreserviceteacherscanjoinfor25.

Please contact us at aact@acs.org(link sends e-mail), whether or not you’ll be at BCCE. We’d love to hear your ideas for how we can best support you!

Join the conversation.

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Comments 13

Erica Posthuma's picture
Erica Posthuma | Wed, 07/23/2014 - 09:01

I am SO excited about this organiziation and so releived that membership will be affordable at $50!  My hope for this organization is that it will provide leadership opportunites at the state level and can engage and build communities locally and regionally in addition to nationally.  I can't wait to see what AACT is going to do for us!  See you at BCCE!

Erica Posthuma's picture
Erica Posthuma | Wed, 07/23/2014 - 11:24

Do you know if there will be an option to add a JCE subscription when joining AACT?

Emily Bones | Wed, 07/23/2014 - 13:40

Thanks for your enthusiasm about AACT. Because JCE is a joint publication by ACS and DivCHED, it's not a material that AACT can offer members. We look forward to providing another avenue to support teachers of chemistry.

Stacey Haas | Wed, 07/23/2014 - 21:39

Will the AACT membership include the ChemEd Xchange as well or will that still be a separate membership Although I won't be able to attend the BCCE, I'm looking forward to joining online on August 4th!

Emily Bones | Thu, 07/24/2014 - 17:10

AACT will be its own membership organization. We know there are many folks who are part of the ChemEd X community who will also be members of the AACT community, and we encourage dialog to crossover in both places. Thanks for your enthusiasm and support!

Erica Posthuma's picture
Erica Posthuma | Fri, 07/25/2014 - 14:53

the link teachchemistry.org takes me to a blank page, is the website not funcional yet?

David Allan | Sun, 07/27/2014 - 18:53

I have been a member of ACS for many years. Has any thought been given to the dues structure for membership in both ACS and AACT, like a "bundle" price?

Emily Bones | Mon, 07/28/2014 - 15:21

We understand this is a question many potential AACT members may have, but at this time, there isn't an option to bundle both memberships. The idea has been raised, but ACS and AACT memberships are being handled separately for the time being. Thanks for your interest in AACT!

Stacey Haas | Mon, 08/04/2014 - 14:42

Hmm.....I signed up online a few days ago. Deanna did you sign up in person? Just wondering what new member welcome packet you are referring to. 




Emily Bones | Mon, 08/04/2014 - 14:56

Welcome, Deanna--we're happy to have you!

If anyone else is interested in becoming a Charter Member, we are now accepting membership at our website, teachchemistry.org. And if you have any questions, please email aact@acs.org(link sends e-mail). It's an exciting day for us--thanks to all who are a part of it!

Emily Bones | Tue, 08/05/2014 - 07:45

Stacey, thanks for signing up! If you're at BCCE, you can come by our booth (#13) and pick up a welcome packet. If you're not at BCCE, you will receive one in the mail soon.