Distance learning has certainly made it more difficult to provide our students with valuable lab experiences and opportunities to gather, analyze, and interpret data. Though websites like Pivot Interactives have been able to offer teachers a wonderful product that helps meet this challenge, many science teachers do not have access to the funds necessary to purchase student subscriptions. But teachers are nothing if not resourceful, right? Let’s just make our own videos of the labs we want to provide.
In the video below, I take you through all the steps necessary to produce a quality video that can serve as a virtual lab as well as some ideas for how a virtual lab could be implemented in your LMS. Even if you have no video editing experience, do not worry—I did not have any either until 3 weeks ago! Considering most smartphones have great cameras these days and the availability of free video editing software, you might be surprised how easy it can be.
Editing Videos for Virtual Labs on ChemEd X Vimeo channel.
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Comments 1
Virtual labs around the world
Thank you for sharing this very useful video. We have also been busy producing videos (we are in London) using Windows live movie maker and I was a bit aprehensive to start with but I really love it now and they are so useful to use during live online lessons but also for all new or trainee teachers. So, as yourself, I would like to reassure everyone and just say that you don't need experience. We are no aiming for perfection but for a useful resource so why not try it. Best wishes. Sandrine, St Paul's Way Trust School, London (UK)