What am I doing to help kids achieve?
How do I know when they are there?
What is the evidence?
This Saturday there was a teacher's day at the Regional ACS meeting in Kentucky. It is tough showing up on a Saturday in May. It was worth the trip. There were wonderful workshops just for teachers on incorporating green labs, POGIL, Food Chemistry, Climate Change and a great lunch. As with most conferences, even the small ones, there is way more than I could put in one blog. Here is what impressed me the most. Several people from the national and local ACS made a point of doing whatever they could to reach out to teachers. As Dr. George Bodner said (and I am paraphrasing), the ACS first looked at what they could do to teachers. They then examined what they could to for teachers. Now they are asking, "How can we work WITH teachers."
The answer is the American Association of Chemistry Teachers. Resources, webinars, publications, videos and simulations are growing on their site at a rapid pace. They have also received funding from many public foundations. The yearly cost is $50. Granted, on a teachers salary with a mortgage and kids to support, for some that is still a chunk of change. Ask your principal, PTA, department or, better yet, your local ACS if they will help spot you the dues. The worst thing that can happen is that they will say no. However, if you show them that it is the best professional development that you can get for $50, someone just might say yes. It cannot hurt to ask. The summer time is the perfect time to check out the site and try to work on that lab or demonstration that you always wanted to improve. Somehow, I am going to try to come up with the cash to sign up. Chemistry teachers rarely have a dedicated group who says, "Hey we like you and want to try to make your life and your student's lives a little easier and better." Can't hurt to give them a shot...
Also, want to give a shout out to two fantastic ladies...Lynn Hogue and Linda Ford of the Cincinnati local ACS group who helped put the day together. I am sincerely grateful and I know my students will benefit from the great day you put together. Thanks again.