
LEGO Stoichiometry Activity

Josh Kenney explains an innovative POGIL-like approach to teaching stoichiometry, integrating LEGO pieces. Addressing student difficulties with stoichiometry's abstract nature, he designed a custom LEGO activity inspired by existing resources, promoting collaboration and enhancing conceptual grasp. This engaging approach primes students for complex stoichiometry challenges.

Solubility, Stoichiometry and Non-stoichiometry

The unspoken word of chemistry: Non-stoichiometric. Stoichiometry and non-stoichiometry are concepts that combine to make a solution that does not have to be difficult to understand.

Does Alka-Seltzer Tell the Truth? A lab activity with a video pre-lab assigment

The lab activity shared here is a simple experiment where students use stoichiometric principles to experimentally determine the amount of sodium bicarbonate in an Alka-Seltzer tablet. Novice students tend to find stoichiometric calculations difficult, so practicing the calculations on a pre-lab assignment boosts their confidence and ultimately leads to more successful labs. The Asynchronous Video Pre-Lab Assignment shared here demonstrates the procedure and the calculations required in the experiment.

AP Chemistry Stoichiometry and Reactions Lessons

The first unit in my sequence for AP Chemistry covers stoichiometry and reactions. The new AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description has identified Learning Objectives which need to be taught and practiced to ensure students perform well on the AP Chemistry Exam. I will identify and describe activities I use to teach students some of the Learning Objectives that I tie into this unit.

A Great Introduction to Stoichiometry

This lab is one of my favorite activities to do in my classes and I look forward to it every year. The lab is simple, requires limited supplies, students love it (i.e. high engagement level), and I have found it to really set students up for stoichiometry.

Review Lab - Better than a Worksheet

It can be difficult to engage students in reviewing for semester exams by using worksheets or practicing problems on the whiteboard. If you are looking to change up your review plans, you might consider using a lab activity that provides opportunity to revisit many of the topics that need to be covered.

Incorporating Authentic Assessments in Chemistry

Recently, my district made a commitment to helping its teachers reflect and rethink their grading and assessment practices. One of the phrases I kept hearing throughout our staff professional development sessions was authentic assessment. I understood (and agreed with) the basic premise—create more opportunities for students to perform tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills. Doing so involves going beyond, or even potentially replacing, traditional summative assessments at the end of each unit.