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Teachers' use of formative assessment is widely known to improve student learning. However, teachers enact formative assessment in many ways. How can chemistry teachers be more versatile and intentional in how we enact formative assessment so that we can maximize student learning by increasing their opportunities to learn? Our ACCT research and professional development partnership is aimed at learning the answers to this, and providing resources for chemistry teachers to enact formative assessment in the most effective ways.
There are characteristic ways that middle and high school chemistry teachers pay attention to students' written work (noticing and interpreting) and plan on following up on what they interpret (acting). These can be organized as different "formative assessment personalities" that are approaches that are often taken by teachers, based on noticing/interpreting and on acting in either prescriptive or responsive ways. This article highlights four "personalities", focusing on the affordances that each personality could bring to a teaching moment. Making decisions based on which affordances we want to leverage in a particular moment with a certain student gives us the ability to be more intentional in deciding the teaching moves we use.
Check out some ACCT team members' blogs to learn more about enacting formative assessment.
Here you can explore publications from the Sevian lab related to chemical thinking-based learning.
Here you can explore publications from the Sevian lab related to students' chemical thinking. We are happy to share the results and products of our work. Please feel free to email us(link sends e-mail) to request any papers you are interested in reading, if you are not able to obtain them from your library.
Here you can explore publications from the Sevian lab related to the formative assessment practices of chemistry teachers.
Here you can explore publications from the Sevian lab related to how the ACCT research-practice collaboration works.
Feel free to reach out to ACCT and we will get right back to you!
Here you can access information about publications from the Sevian research group about the ACCT project.
Check out some ACCT team members' blogs to learn more about doing formative assessments.