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This strategy has been very helpful in establishing relevance to topics taught and in making connections between topics taught within a unit. It also provides a way for students to ask questions and make written explanations of phenomena, which are “Science and Engineering Practices” of NGSS.
Did you figure out how the experiment in Chemical Mystery #14 was performed? The solution is presented here!
Like many AP Chemistry teachers, Melissa Hemling was not fond of teaching Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES). Surprisingly, she fell in love with teaching PES in AP Chemistry after making an old-school change.
Given a guiding question, students determined what they wanted to test, did the experiment and got their CER boards ready for review. Instead of a regular argumentation session, we had a glow and grow session, where students had to provide positive and negative feedback for each board.
You can figure out how this Valentine's Day experiment was done...if you know your chemistry, that is!
Molecule Monday is an opportunity to engage students in the chemistry of everyday life.
We all know how fundamental the mole concept is for stoichiometry. This year I brainstormed ways to really make it stick. I decided to do multiple mini-practicums, one for each learning target of the mole unit. I am sharing brief descriptions of the mini-practicums I did for each learning target.
Many researchers have attempted to characterize the knowledge of an expert teacher, and it's complex, to say the least.
I have an extreme fascination with the periodic table! And, so does my colleague, Mike. Let me tell you some ways we are celebrating the International Year of the Periodic Table.
Answers to common questions about the AP Chemistry Exam format, content, and grading.