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Ashley Green shares how she recently changed up her nomenclature unit by asking her students to look for patterns in names and formulas.
Students may have been using the metric system as early as in elementary school, so why do they struggle to use it in first year chemistry class in high school? This is a quick idea to help you reintroduce the metric system in your class.
Dean Campbell uses demonstrations and props to illustrate concepts while teaching his collegiate Materials Chemistry course. Many of the examples described are also suitable for use in high school and collegiate General Chemistry courses.
The objective of the multi-country IUPAC Chemistry Teacher Survey is to improve understanding of the use of practical work in high school chemistry classes related to concepts of sustainability.
Have a 3D printer? Make some 3D printed models of various carbon allotropes!
What is some of the chemistry involved in the formation of ice clouds when boiling water is thrown into icy air?
The author shares how using interactive notebooks has supported her chemistry students.
Nora Walsh highlights activities found on ChemEd X and how she worked them into her own curriculum teaching Lewis structure concepts.
Use coding for a new twist on a classic element project. See how easy coding can be and consider the applications of coding in your own classroom.
Discover the secrets behind flame-shaped highlighter markings that not only disappear and reappear but also glow and flicker under the influence of acids, bases, and UV lights.