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Explore a chemistry activity designed to have students measure quantities and calculate the moles and number of particles contained in the sample.
Did you figure out how to create a multi-colored mixture? Check out the solution to Chemical Mystery #19: Multi-colored Mixture!
Can you use your knowledge of chemistry to figure out what is going on in Chemical Mystery #19?
POGIL activities are not just worksheets. Learn how to properly implement POGIL activities to get the most out of them at the upcoming 2022 Fundamentals of POGIL Virtual Workshops!
The unspoken word of chemistry: Non-stoichiometric. Stoichiometry and non-stoichiometry are concepts that combine to make a solution that does not have to be difficult to understand.
This is a simple small-scale distillation that can be used several different ways.
This blog post includes short descriptions of demonstrations and props that Dean Campbell has used while teaching his collegiate General Chemistry I course.
Did you know that sand can be converted into a mixture of gases that spontaneously ignites in air? The procedures involved are relatively simple to perform, spectacular to observe, and relate to a rich assortment of chemical principles.
This post focuses on the virtual chemistry laboratory activities created for students pursuing a bachelor of science degree in Primary Teacher Education at the University of Bologna.
The classic classroom or lab activity using coin flips to illustrate the first order kinetics of radioactive decay is connected to the tragedy of radiation exposure of workers at facilities using radium-containing luminescent paint. Some of the chemistry related to the contamination of these “radium girls” is explored, with connections being made to the Principles of Green Chemistry and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.